Tried a spark test on it? That should tell you what it is steel wise and all you need is a grinder. As far as the ding, tap it with a hammer on a block of wood and straighten it back out panel...
Liked On: 08-06-2024, 07:09 AM
The comedian in me wants to know how much lighter the gear is after you vacuum pack it har har har har :wtfsmilie::ORLY:
Liked On: 07-06-2024, 09:20 PM
Tell them it means 22yo ladies roo... Really offend them!
Liked On: 07-06-2024, 07:52 PM
Have a bit of a look at the Sika foundation's data - in short the reason they are saying take out more hinds is there are too many animals in most areas for the available feed to support so the...
Liked On: 07-06-2024, 05:54 PM
Yeah John is bloody good, he will sort ya.
Liked On: 07-06-2024, 12:03 PM
As we keep saying mate, it probably works mint if you have basic factory items that fit the illiterati list that's been assembled by people that don't know about unusual things. For those that don't...
Liked On: 07-06-2024, 11:51 AM
252008 Fark. Forgot about that, a long blunt bullet that doesn't fit into the pointy bullet seater means the adjustment is a bit thwack. I just got to the cannelure and cammed over on the press......
Liked On: 07-06-2024, 09:33 AM
Not from what I've seen on the range as a NRO - the Mossberg setup might not be the most gucci out there but then I wouldn't exactly call Tikka gucci either. For a bush rifle, perfectly adequate and...
Liked On: 06-06-2024, 10:52 PM
The actual pump and tank setup isn't that important apart from the reliability issues - I have a cheap cheerful chinese plastic vane special here that does the job - I had to fab up some new vanes...
Liked On: 06-06-2024, 09:10 PM
As we keep saying mate, it probably works mint if you have basic factory items that fit the illiterati list that's been assembled by people that don't know about unusual things. For those that don't...
Liked On: 06-06-2024, 09:02 AM
Not sure which model the one I have is (or was as its a bit bastardised by back yard improver haha). It has a flat across the back as the angle guide not the two vertical rollers and the knife clamp...
Liked On: 05-06-2024, 05:45 PM
The comedian in me wants to know how much lighter the gear is after you vacuum pack it har har har har :wtfsmilie::ORLY:
Liked On: 05-06-2024, 05:36 PM
Geez - you're neat and tidy aren't you? Apparently a couple of seconds with an angle grinder removes the identifiers, increases portability at the loud end and removes the problematic lump of wood...
Liked On: 05-06-2024, 03:42 PM
Interesting to see in Aussie the claims of the benefits provided by their version of the registry don't seem to be stacking up to reality. A lot of shooting-related incidents over there seem to have...
Liked On: 05-06-2024, 01:04 PM
Well, more correctly he can't be arsed trying to retrain the misbehaving deer dog again. It's still young, but has more designs on being a house pet than doing the hunting thing. Just doesn't seem...
Liked On: 04-06-2024, 10:19 PM