Bore is as good as you would ever see in a Snider 261877
Liked On: 27-10-2024, 07:23 PM
Huge trees are awesome alright, Tane Mahuta I haven't seen but it's on the list. Was lucky enough to have massive Puriri and Rimu on our lifestyle block in the past. Love the NZ natives but was blown...
Liked On: 27-10-2024, 09:34 AM
New to me left handed Roessler Titan 3 Lux in 223rem with a 3-9x40 Zeiss Conquest on top. Rifle and scope bought from forum members (thanks guys). 261805 261806 I am in the process of loading up...
Liked On: 26-10-2024, 01:18 PM
Bog standard cup n core 150grn Hornady. Job done.if you want more punch up close grab the round nose 180 version.
Liked On: 25-10-2024, 06:27 PM
I've had great success with the 150gr Nosler Ballistic Tip.
Liked On: 24-10-2024, 06:41 PM
A couple of snaps from a trip to Canada a few years back ...
Liked On: 24-10-2024, 06:01 PM
somewhere around 350 photos in this, mostly taken while i was asleep in the car nearby.
Liked On: 24-10-2024, 06:01 PM
Just all BS designed to ban hunting by the antics. For starters we want to go hunting, it isn't a job. Who eat's contaminated bruised meat? Who is banning swimming, heaps drown every year? Who...
Liked On: 24-10-2024, 07:24 AM
I disagree. A lot of people put good deals up to help out others because they're GC's. If Steptoe cnuts keep stuffing this up people will just not bother. Maybe the Steptoe cnuts should keep to...
Liked On: 22-10-2024, 09:47 PM
Definitely a good idea to do cash on pick up...both parties can see for themselves all is legitimate and back out if not happy. Yes a part payment could be asked but if foldy stuff coming tomorrow...
Liked On: 22-10-2024, 01:14 AM
That FAL holders are certified "Fit and Proper" carries weight. No offense but I think the problem Lazyafpanda, is that you are a relative newcomer and so you don't have the advantage of knowing...
Liked On: 22-10-2024, 01:10 AM
My daughters new to her sako 85 308 finnlight in a wood stock Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Liked On: 15-10-2024, 08:04 AM
From my experience its best to go to the local bike shop and get sized up correctly. A 61cm in HJC is different from a 61cm in Shoei. Personally, for road riding the most comfortable one for me and...
Liked On: 11-10-2024, 05:29 PM
Here are a couple of classic Remington rifles A circa 1870 Rolling Block no1 Sporting Rifle in 44-77 This is a genuine Buffalo Rifle ( Bison for Marty Henry ) A caliber that well pre dates the...
Liked On: 11-10-2024, 05:22 PM
Our Nevada chukar season opens this Saturday, and we have a bumper crop, lots of young great-eating birds. My grandson is out mule deer hunting in central NV, and he texted me he is seeing an average...
Liked On: 11-10-2024, 07:44 AM