Sierra 165gr HPBT, typically very accurate in most rifles and perfect for the range you’re talking. Or Barnes 130ttsx going fast Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Liked On: 13-04-2020, 10:38 AM
I've been fortunate enough to be in on a few hundred tahr kills and can assure you that a 6.5 is ample. As has been said above, shot placement is the most important, regardless of calibre. And dont...
Liked On: 13-04-2020, 10:36 AM
I have my x55 running at 2754 fps my brother in laws 260 is running at 2772 fps both with the same bullet, my x55 shot this enlarged one holer at 100yards. 135883 The 6.5 bullet especially the...
Liked On: 13-04-2020, 10:33 AM
Plenty im debating flicking both my magnums and using only 260 i shot a few with my old swede all died well
Liked On: 12-04-2020, 08:23 PM
Definitely more than enough gun for tahr. As with anything shot placement is key and knowing your rifle. Low recoil and knowing your rifle is much more important than a larger caliber.
Liked On: 12-04-2020, 08:17 PM
Easy as, they're just another animal that you need to get shot placement right. Alot of guys use big bangers as to try sack them on the spot as they can bolt into dirty bluffs gorges etc. Can be...
Liked On: 12-04-2020, 08:17 PM
it was not meant to be a derogatory comment, i used a stand once in ohio using a black powder rifle. the point i was trying to make is that hunting varies from country to country. but many hunting...
Liked On: 12-04-2020, 08:13 PM
That guide, Four Seasons Safaris, Shane Johnstone (?) has a number of similar videos on YouTube; they're all similar, in one, the American client shoots a Chamois after jumping out of the chopper and...
Liked On: 12-04-2020, 08:12 PM
sit the suspension arm on something solid and try a decent square hit with a heavy sledge hammer the jack will absorb the shock it you use jack to support the arm
Liked On: 12-04-2020, 06:55 PM
135740 I’ve posted this photo in another thread before But I’m going out for about 4 nights to try catch up on this fella Then after that, fair bit of tahr hunting
Liked On: 12-04-2020, 05:56 PM
So the knife has been started, I went for "A" blade and "C" handle as that got requested quite a bit . Fits the hand well and feels nicely balanced in different grips. There are a few knives ahead...
Liked On: 09-04-2020, 08:42 AM
Husky 1600 in 30/06. Picked it up just before the lockdown. 135322
Liked On: 07-04-2020, 05:19 PM
What’s even better is, he is off work injured and yet is able to go out hunting. Go figure
Liked On: 07-04-2020, 04:50 PM
I finally got all the rust, tar and mud encrusted fasteners undone (only had to cut two) and have got all the sheet metal off back to the fire wall. I water blasted the parts and only have to do...
Liked On: 06-04-2020, 05:15 PM
I'd go for a fixed 6x42 and separate rangefinder. Get to know your rifle and load and a clear rugged 6x will be all you need. Rugged and clear beat out the whiz-bang gadgets. No electronics also...
Liked On: 05-04-2020, 10:10 AM