In what flavour shall I make my humble pie? 146103
Liked On: Yesterday, 07:08 AM
Nearly put this in the reloading but it's not really about that. Main point is about the nato 556 ammo. Spoiler alert, it tells you why you can't just use these this new steel in all cases (also...
Liked On: 26-03-2025, 02:08 PM
The 130 grain BP load has brought the bullets together at 50m Shooting really well and I'm properly ready for some hunting now 270968
Liked On: 20-03-2025, 06:19 PM
I don't have one. Have spent two nights out unexpectedly over the years and it doesn't hurt you, just long boring nights. As for being injured, I always think your more likely to have a car crash on...
Liked On: 18-03-2025, 08:26 PM
Closest we have here is COLFO and whatever one thinks of them (I'm a supporter), it would probably be better to put your shoulder to their wheel rather than reinventing ones own
Liked On: 18-03-2025, 07:30 PM
Now where did we put that “Fuck me dead” emoji?
Liked On: 17-03-2025, 05:57 PM
Left NPL bound for Whanganui on time. Made good time at the expense of an ice cream stop at the berry farm. Bummed.* Arrived 17h45, most of the boys already here, off loading quads, guns, and gear...
Liked On: 13-03-2025, 06:23 PM
I smell bullshit
Liked On: 23-02-2025, 09:20 PM
Always been 8.30pm but Willie just told me its 7.30pm on Duke this year - sorry!
Liked On: 23-02-2025, 05:23 PM
First episode is an epic 4wd trip to unbelievable hunting and diving in a very remote part of South Westland 269351 ...
Liked On: 23-02-2025, 02:33 PM
Always makes me laugh in these threads when the OP says I want to/can spend $x and people go saying spend $2x or save up $3x. Personally I set a spend limit on an item for a reason. If I could...
Liked On: 21-02-2025, 09:13 PM
Good grief that's one good/ new way of reporting a hunt..I liked it and well done on your success.
Liked On: 20-02-2025, 06:50 PM
Makes it easier to read. Well done
Liked On: 19-02-2025, 07:02 AM
Hasn’t killed him yet :thumbsup:
Liked On: 18-02-2025, 07:05 AM
Man poor bugga asked about a gun and caliber and got pages of push/control feed and the use of empty shell vs snap caps, try keep on topic it is more useful and helpful
Liked On: 18-02-2025, 07:03 AM