Learned the hard way in my late teens / early twentys. Had two polar opposite experiences. One where i was in the right and cops made it difficult. The other was Where i was way way in the wrong and...
Liked On: 20-03-2021, 09:12 AM
After a chat with some friends. You would also want to consider the ongoing relationship with your neighbour. Are you just going to say flag him and do what you want and is your right. Maybe openly...
Liked On: 19-03-2021, 10:07 PM
Learned the hard way in my late teens / early twentys. Had two polar opposite experiences. One where i was in the right and cops made it difficult. The other was Where i was way way in the wrong and...
Liked On: 19-03-2021, 08:08 PM
Yeah on the video i linked where farmcraft on youtube makes one and goes through the process, he does a horizontal pour first but as he feared the metal strinkage was so great around the chamber area...
Liked On: 08-03-2021, 02:30 PM
Most people will run an atlas works or china knock off. https://www.atlasworxs.com/products/atlasworxs-bottom-metal-dbm-tikka-t3-long-action I brought a no name brand one from a $1 res auction...
Liked On: 07-03-2021, 10:18 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kJxOn9NU9w&ab_channel=FarmCraft101 I really like this guys videos. This is a short 17minute video of the overall process of casting his own replica civil war...
Liked On: 05-03-2021, 09:15 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kJxOn9NU9w&ab_channel=FarmCraft101 I really like this guys videos. This is a short 17minute video of the overall process of casting his own replica civil war...
Liked On: 23-02-2021, 09:31 PM
Wouldn't you be better off getting something chambered in a .473 boltface first. Pulling the barrel. selling that. $250-300 and then buying a new barrel? Can even get a prefit barrel. ...
Liked On: 19-02-2021, 02:26 PM
Just cleaning out my photos from my phone. Christmas was very hard on ruby, I started seeing how many items i could stack on her haha. 160461 160462 You have heard of double chin. What about...
Liked On: 15-02-2021, 08:00 AM
Just cleaning out my photos from my phone. Christmas was very hard on ruby, I started seeing how many items i could stack on her haha. 160461 160462 You have heard of double chin. What about...
Liked On: 14-02-2021, 11:13 PM
When i had my AR15 and was on a hunting trip and ended up going out for tea. I brought it into the restaurant broken down in a backpack, left the ammo and bolt in the car. That's the one good side...
Liked On: 28-01-2021, 10:58 PM
The app is very user friendly and intuitive. I put my phone into airplane mode when im out of reception really chews my battery trying to ping a cell tower all the time. GPS still works.
Liked On: 26-01-2021, 04:31 PM
The app is very user friendly and intuitive. I put my phone into airplane mode when im out of reception really chews my battery trying to ping a cell tower all the time. GPS still works.
Liked On: 26-01-2021, 04:25 PM
The 2nd part to the qualifyer for a pistol is "and includes any firearm less than 762mm in length" Unarguably if its written in legislation even if it is against normal convention for measuring...
Liked On: 18-01-2021, 09:47 PM
It is measured to the muzzle. not suppressor. https://www.colfo.org.nz/news/9-colfo/latest-news/139-colfo-news-issue-1-2017.html ANY firearm which is less than 762mm will be classified as a...
Liked On: 18-01-2021, 06:05 PM