Hey everyone Been a silent observer of this site for a while but decided to take the plunge, create a profile and put myself out there so to speak. I'm very much a new comer to the great...
Liked On: 10-10-2019, 11:12 AM
Very very cool NZ32
Liked On: 28-09-2019, 08:49 PM
Club night is wednesday at 7. Go along and introduce yourself.
Liked On: 20-08-2019, 07:12 PM
Actually its a lot more. Say for example you weigh 100 kg (224 lbs) thats 112 lbs per foot. Say you are shoe size 10 thats roughly 57 sq inches, say the heel is 25% of the total area thats 14 sq...
Liked On: 14-08-2019, 10:43 AM
Sorry to bring this thread back from the dead, but I've been super busy since we got back from our trip in April and just realized that I never posted a re-cap. I'll start off by saying thank you to...
Liked On: 13-08-2019, 08:55 AM
What year were the EL's updated ??? End of subject in my eye
Liked On: 30-07-2019, 08:59 AM
This is getting ridiculous. Heard some birds at dawn, cold one today, so got up and dressed in something suitably warm, set up my tunes in the driveway, got a chair, and brewed a coffee. Sat down...
Liked On: 18-04-2019, 06:06 PM
Following me home. 108697
Liked On: 09-04-2019, 12:43 PM
Bo hasn't done a night shoot on ducks yet.So took him up to a night feeding pond for some dry action with no gun of course.Gave him 15 minutes to run around with no command then sat him beside me to...
Liked On: 08-04-2019, 03:15 PM
Greetings to all those of a friendly disposition where firearms are concerned. As I'm hoping to be a long term member of the hunting community and this forum, figured it was about time to...
Liked On: 08-04-2019, 01:53 PM
Managed to get out and give the goat population on a mate's farm the good news. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/ovIJkvrzZAw
Liked On: 28-03-2019, 09:49 AM
Right, as my current .22lr rimfire is destined for the crusher, being a devils spawn .22lr AR, I thought f**k it. I’m sick of waiting for the bad news and went and bought myself Tikka T1 rimfire,...
Liked On: 27-03-2019, 02:00 PM
Two thoughts... A Tikka 1:8 Build one.... For that money, if your smart and shop around you can get a Barnard action... $1500 maybe $1200 if you wait for a 2nd, (paint scratched) the s fits a...
Liked On: 19-03-2019, 02:12 PM
There’s a spot I go to every few months or so, for a ‘lazy man’s hunt’. Otherwise known as an ambush. It’s on the bush edge, up the back of a hill country sheep farm, where well used game trails are...
Liked On: 19-03-2019, 01:51 PM
I am sorry...firstly I am sorry that as a member of the NZ firearms community that trained with one of NZ's most respected gunsmiths I have been absent from the conversation for far too long,...
Liked On: 18-03-2019, 11:11 AM