Got 23rd-29th off then 3 weeks off from 6th April. Can't wait. Will be in Lower Greenstone early April then a couple weeks to poke around a few other spots.
Liked On: 14-03-2021, 07:00 PM
Mate of a mate reckoned roar down south will be a fizzer this year. You guys don't need to come down and waste your time! :D Was nice to hear some farm deer starting to warm up on Tuesday night...
Liked On: 11-03-2021, 05:21 PM
Hares are 10x worse! If you're going to eat them, get the gut out or the meat off ASAP. Can't say delaying taints the meat terribly, but the smell is so bad, you're not going to want to eat it! I use...
Liked On: 08-03-2021, 08:12 PM
I've lost count on the amount of times I've thrown on a heavy pack for multiple days in the Kaimanawas, countless hours behind the binos, creeping through the bush, always in search of a respectable...
Liked On: 02-03-2021, 07:16 AM
sob sob 64 push fed winchester model 70 lightweight.....hours spent in front of telly working bolt helped smooth it out even howa 1500 isnt bad,hopefully will smooth up even...
Liked On: 20-02-2021, 09:10 AM
WOOHOO Just been advised that as of 22/1/2021 I am a current FAL holder. No sign of the card in the mail yet. Started renewal proceedings 17/Oct 2020 CHC arms office
Liked On: 17-02-2021, 11:19 PM
Was out 4wding and had the 22 to get any possums that showed up. Got a few and plucking them as we went, called it quits for the night, on the drive home there comes a bloody loud racket from the...
Liked On: 14-02-2021, 05:10 PM
The Hunters Element bags (you know, the ones you gave me :) ) are far easier to wash and keep clean than pillow cases. Its important if you actually do your own washing :) :)
Liked On: 10-02-2021, 08:31 AM
a wise man once said."many a good load has been ruined by a chronograph" let me ask you another question,which will answer your first. IF you tested that load on paper and had only guestimated...
Liked On: 05-02-2021, 05:44 PM
why I use minimum of three lots of information to select place to start loading...non of which helps if powder is of wrong sort.....
Liked On: 26-01-2021, 05:02 PM
Nah I couldn't even get directly above it. I looked at it with my binos and you can kind of make it out in the picture, it's body is facing towards camera but it's head is twisted back around facing...
Liked On: 25-01-2021, 10:07 PM
put earplugs in all your ammo containers and you could probably stash a couple of sets in the raised cheek piece and not know they there unless needed. muzzle brakes make my ears ring just looking...
Liked On: 23-01-2021, 09:31 PM
Cheers mate, I'm gon a just take the old Territory over, someone will be doing me a favour if they pinch it lol. Looks like a few showers tommorow morning and clearing from lunchtime. Don't mind a...
Liked On: 22-01-2021, 09:00 PM
Redding big Boss 11 is the prince of single stage presses and the Ultramag is king, Any of the O presses will handle 3.6" just buy the best you can it will out last your grand kids, I have an RCBS...
Liked On: 15-01-2021, 01:58 AM
CZ doing the business, proving to be a good workhorse. 157779
Liked On: 09-01-2021, 05:00 PM