Redding big Boss 11 is the prince of single stage presses and the Ultramag is king, Any of the O presses will handle 3.6" just buy the best you can it will out last your grand kids, I have an RCBS...
Liked On: 15-01-2021, 01:58 AM
CZ doing the business, proving to be a good workhorse. 157779
Liked On: 09-01-2021, 05:00 PM
just think of all the goodies you can fit into your chev when you get out.
Liked On: 30-12-2020, 02:59 PM
Just buy another rifle to put it on :thumbsup:
Liked On: 29-12-2020, 06:19 PM
I can vouch for the Night Eater scope viper mentioned. No you cant have it, I bought it off him :thumbsup:
Liked On: 29-12-2020, 06:18 PM
Viper summed it up exactly. One thing that helps a tiny bit is learning a bit about farming so you can ask if lambing or docking is finished as you don't like stock being disturbed unnecessarily....
Liked On: 26-12-2020, 10:51 AM
Outstanding. Thanks for posting that link. I'd love to show my daughter that video but she's been hounding me to take her out for a chamois for the last month so the last thing I need to do is...
Liked On: 23-12-2020, 09:49 PM
Assumptions. Mother of all fuckups
Liked On: 20-12-2020, 11:00 AM
3 drops of either worked well and provided a nice blue muzzle flash. at the time i was gluing small rifle primers onto the 22cal pellets. p.s rats smell awful when they explode
Liked On: 15-12-2020, 02:48 PM
One for next years Swamp Comp courtesy of the farm cat. 156041 Anyone have any luck in the comp this year?
Liked On: 15-12-2020, 09:19 AM
Make sure they all buy guns and gear that you recommend then you may buy it off them cheap if they are never going to use it again.
Liked On: 14-12-2020, 05:21 PM
Could have caught a couple of fallow fawns in the last day or two. The kids would think it was pretty cool to go with the lambs and calves. Do they really turn into "dogs"? Do they respect normal 8...
Liked On: 11-12-2020, 11:07 AM
Us fisher types don't know how good we've got it sometimes. I have mates whos' only hobbies are collecting dvds or watching movies etc... and they are in their mid 40s. My old man took me and my...
Liked On: 09-12-2020, 08:41 AM
Got a Guinness trapped under the seat of my truck once, think its still under there actually
Liked On: 03-12-2020, 10:20 AM
Do not despair! There are some of us who still encourage and endorse the safe use of firearms with our primary school students. Here's a few images of my Y7 - 8 students on camp on my whanau farm...
Liked On: 01-12-2020, 07:00 AM