As Tahr said. .223 and be prepared to walk away....oh shit I’ve being doing that for years... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Liked On: 29-11-2020, 10:57 AM
Over here a kindergarten baited a Roe Deer untill hunting season.One of the teachers shot it and they all ate it. My daughter's kindy has a boat they go out in and set nets to catch fish for lunch.
Liked On: 29-11-2020, 09:15 AM
Got 560ks outta my 1990 80s series just toured whole of the south it's my daily driver, hunting truck and farm wag. Toyotas engines are bulletproof
Liked On: 26-11-2020, 07:34 AM
Discussions like this make every other discussion silly. If a wee .222 is a fast and emphatic killer to 300m on large reds, so is everything else. Which I don't disagree with. Where it gets...
Liked On: 24-11-2020, 06:21 PM
Just trying to win the best selling Ute off the Ranger. They had it for 20 odd year till the Ford Ranger took it off them. I guess they got a bit complacent
Liked On: 24-11-2020, 06:09 PM
Doesn’t have to be road legal. We have a 1991 single cab flat deck 2.8 diesel (3L) that is allegedly never used on a public road and certainly never ever on bitumen... in use daily doing all sorts of...
Liked On: 24-11-2020, 06:08 PM
the only issue with boat type winch,is the small distance you can pull unless have a large drum..... but shouldnt need to move far to get unstuck...if you carry another rope you can tie...
Liked On: 22-11-2020, 07:32 AM
Learn to use a mustering stick correctly, that will make a big difference to getting around the hills. It makes a difference by keeping balance and not using leg muscle energy to counter the slope of...
Liked On: 21-11-2020, 10:02 PM
Good to see these guys out and about. Like seeing fallow and goats on my drive to work.
Liked On: 21-11-2020, 10:00 PM
Welcome along! You're just up the way from me, I'm Cromwell based.
Liked On: 19-11-2020, 10:45 PM
Back to the Berry Orchard tonight, with a very ominous looking sky approaching. I shot two rabbits soon after my arrival, then the skys opened as a thunder storm hit. I took shelter under the...
Liked On: 18-11-2020, 11:13 PM
Flying up would save a 10hr drive each way. Wouldn't leave much in the budget for buying a new scope though.
Liked On: 12-11-2020, 08:50 AM
Im in Wanaka and reload for 2x 6.5 prc, pm me and we could discuss what you need in primers , powder etc. Should be around this weekend.
Liked On: 12-11-2020, 07:51 AM
There probley about 6 to 8 roos out behind my place in about 60 acres of rolling hill pine forest,very odd deer.Theres little pockets of roos everywhere where people don't expect to see them.Just...
Liked On: 11-11-2020, 08:05 PM
Maybe you could swap wife for reloading set up :)
Liked On: 03-11-2020, 05:53 PM