I just use Vitasport electrolyte rehydration which you can get at countdown. pretty cheap and does the trick for me. Taste good too. Energey gels can be got from Torpedo 7 etc - their a bit pricy...
Liked On: 28-03-2024, 05:02 AM
I'll take that into consideration on my next video mate, I used to edit it out but hadn't on my last few. Any uploaded after today will have swear words all removed
Liked On: 27-03-2024, 07:04 PM
Liked On: 25-03-2024, 08:26 PM
Purebreed whippet. Awesome dogs, a curious mix of stubborn independence and velcro. Identify your target beyond all doubt because you never miss (right?) and I'll be missed.
Liked On: 25-03-2024, 07:11 PM
Problem is the stainless bergara single shot weighs nearly half a kilo more than the tikka, not arguing it is shorter though.
Liked On: 25-03-2024, 05:26 PM
I took my whippet out into the Tararuas yesterday for the first time. When we encountered a stag she did very well, stayed still, was scenting the air so she knows the smell now. It was the...
Liked On: 25-03-2024, 05:24 PM
Need to shake off the 'cartridge' mindset and get with the 'bullet' one. The mindset of 'if I get this bullet going fast enough, then ballistics won't matter', is just wrong. The faster you push a...
Liked On: 16-03-2024, 09:41 PM
Warehouse Backcountry shorts for me. Might be different if I hunted throiugh matagouri or blackberry! But my advice has to be taken with a grain of salt because I've only worn long pants once (to a...
Liked On: 15-03-2024, 10:27 PM
Hello all, I've been in NZ for a year now having left the uk where I was working as a pheasant keeper, I have so far loved my time here in nz and how accessible hunting is and the attitudes of nz...
Liked On: 11-03-2024, 06:07 PM
And so it begins. 12 week old GSP x Lab. 245045
Liked On: 03-03-2024, 07:43 PM
Leaving the ammo at home saves lots of weight. Can't shoot anything = guaranteed you don't have to carry meat back out. Lighter in, lighter out. Can't loose. That rifle is never going to be...
Liked On: 01-03-2024, 05:02 PM
The modern trend is to pile the weight on the bones and then blame the rifle for being overweight.
Liked On: 01-03-2024, 05:01 PM
Shot a big bodied stag in the bush at 30m with 162gr eldx 2930 fps, bang flop.244859
Liked On: 01-03-2024, 04:45 AM
My experience with VW is that they are reliable fro new for a few years and then become a money pit. I had two Caravella vans in my company as well as a Polo for a run around. Toyota Hi-ace is...
Liked On: 27-02-2024, 05:23 PM
I’m astounded at the crap that people take to our range because they think it’s a good idea or we might need it. The latest is someone took up 3 kids bikes!!! Ffs…. Anything you take you bring...
Liked On: 25-02-2024, 09:15 AM