About Pengy

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Date of Birth
December 11, 1961 (63)
About Pengy
Up in da hills somewhere near Nelson
pain in the bum for some at Port Nelson




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Yesterday 08:56 PM
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17 Friends

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    Double Shot
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    H&K MAN
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Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 17
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  1. Pengy
    Pengy liked post by P38 On thread : Help a young hunter out - Taupo
    Yeti Please be very careful. New and inexperienced Hunters like yourself and your Mate, hunting in an area you have never hunted before can be a recipe for disaster. Things can go bad very...
    Liked On: 16-05-2014, 10:18 AM
  2. Pengy
    Pengy liked post by Maca49 On thread : Help a young hunter out - Taupo
    GA up there with the best on this forum, I understand where he's coming from, this forums to about free lunches, but once you've done your time they'll give you all the help you need. Go wear ya feet...
    Liked On: 16-05-2014, 09:52 AM
  3. Pengy
    Pengy liked post by Gapped axe On thread : Help a young hunter out - Taupo
    Piss off go and do some hard yards first, then after a year if you have had no luck, then and maybe then I'll take you out.
    Liked On: 15-05-2014, 10:53 PM
  4. Pengy
    Pengy liked post by veitnamcam On thread : Unleaking Boots
    Cool will have to get a pair to try. A lot cheaper than new boots! Sent from my GT-S5360T using Tapatalk 2
    Liked On: 14-05-2014, 10:59 PM
  5. Pengy
    Pengy liked post by Neckshot On thread : Unleaking Boots
    Infantry / rifleman........grunt! Digger....Aussie grunt.
    Liked On: 14-05-2014, 10:37 PM
  6. Pengy
    Pengy liked post by Neckshot On thread : Unleaking Boots
    there not Nz issue but they are just as good Socks (http://www.kiwidisposals.co.nz/footwear/socks)
    Liked On: 14-05-2014, 10:22 PM
  7. Pengy
    Pengy liked post by Maca49 On thread : Unleaking Boots
    Join the army by the look of it Pengy!:thumbsup:
    Liked On: 14-05-2014, 10:16 PM
  8. Pengy
    Pengy liked post by Tahr On thread : 1080 Poison
    The other forum is a good place to discuss 1080. :)
    Liked On: 14-05-2014, 06:11 PM
  9. Pengy
    Pengy liked post by Maca49 On thread : Here from UK and a cheeky request!!
    phillipgr here tis
    Liked On: 14-05-2014, 08:56 AM
  10. Pengy
    Pengy liked post by GravelBen On thread : Discovered a new challenge - macro photography
    https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7326/13989161079_3f773a6348_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/njb7dp)Ladybird (1) (https://flic.kr/p/njb7dp) by gravelben (https://www.flickr.com/people/57656776@N00/), on...
    Liked On: 13-05-2014, 10:10 PM
  11. Pengy
    Pengy liked post by K95 On thread : Photos your proud of -not just hunting
    Looking for chams https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5157/14156199125_a8633c7160_z.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/102578758@N06/14156199125/) P1010502...
    Liked On: 11-05-2014, 08:27 PM
  12. Pengy
    Pengy liked post by Spook On thread : Army Road (off clements)
    I know a guy, that many years ago set fire to his boat 3 miles off Mayor Island and swam ashore to make it look good...a long walk out of the forest is a piece-of-piss in comparison.
    Liked On: 11-05-2014, 02:04 PM
  13. Pengy
    Pengy liked post by Bonecrusher On thread : STONEY CREEK BLUE BLAZE TOPS WITH NZHS FORUM LOGO
    I'm doing an overnighter next weekend, can I borrow your's Rushy my bivvy got ripped last trip?
    Liked On: 11-05-2014, 12:52 PM
  14. Pengy
    Pengy liked post by big_foot On thread : Bacon and egg pie question
    Dude last time I checked my man card I had 30 cube of hand split firewood in the shed and a 12 gauge pump action that has accounted for more species than a lot of hunters I know. I have a wife that...
    Liked On: 09-05-2014, 09:58 PM
  15. Pengy
    Pengy liked post by stingray On thread : Bacon and egg pie question
    As many learned gentlemen have said before me, the most Devine, sacred, and respected pie of them all is our BACON & EGG pie, whilst you rouges try to tarnish this stallwart of our nation with...
    Liked On: 09-05-2014, 12:19 AM



  • 08:07 PM - Pengy mentioned Rushy in post Hidden
  • 08:07 PM - Pengy mentioned Gibo in post Hidden
  • 12:53 PM - Gibo mentioned Pengy in post Hidden


  • 10:15 AM - Gibo mentioned Pengy in post Cattle Flat
    ...at sounds just like Pengy What you doing down...


  • 05:44 PM - Pengy mentioned Toby in post Hidden


  • 07:46 AM - Gibo mentioned Pengy in post Hidden


  • 07:57 PM - Gibo mentioned Pengy in post Hidden

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