About Phil_H

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About Phil_H
Did a bit of hunting years ago but then a long respite without a firearms licence while overseas and other priorities. Recently gained a licence and enjoying being back in the bush.
Mid Canterbury
Hunting, Firearms and shooting in general
Work with Convicted Offenders


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18-12-2021 05:02 PM
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  1. Phil_H
    Phil_H liked post by Tahr On thread : .223: The Ins & Outs of it
    On deer, yes to the 64 grain Nosler solid base bonded - I have 150 and then they are finished. They went out of production last year. 55 Barnes were good but haven't used them for a couple of...
    Liked On: 07-10-2021, 05:45 PM
  2. Phil_H
    Phil_H liked post by Flyblown On thread : .223: The Ins & Outs of it
    And you don’t need the flash harry high BC heavy .224 bullets either. A well placed Belmont 62gr softpoint makes a beaut mushroom and red hinds bleed out very quickly or go down DRT if you judge...
    Liked On: 07-10-2021, 05:45 PM
  3. Phil_H
    Phil_H liked post by ebf On thread : SCALPEL FOR HUNTING ?
    The "Father" has quite enough knives :P In fact, some people might even say he has a minor knife collecting problem ! :D
    Liked On: 07-10-2021, 02:34 PM
  4. Phil_H
    Phil_H liked post by Tahr On thread : SCALPEL FOR HUNTING ?
    1) 2 that week?? I haven't seen any pork. You are making a pig of yourself :) 2) An extra knife for potshot?? What about your bloody Father??
    Liked On: 07-10-2021, 02:34 PM
  5. Phil_H
    Phil_H liked post by Sarvo On thread : Spring is not here yet
    Yes the old "warm or dry the boots by the fire trick" A lot ruined that way Most of us have done it at least once :-) The Buller's were the best They always let you know via a distinctive...
    Liked On: 07-10-2021, 01:03 PM
  6. Phil_H
    Phil_H liked post by deer243 On thread : Another new spot...lessons here for the bush stalking newby
    We are quite blessed here in the nelson /tasman region for bush stalking because theres a huge area of country to look for a deer. One of the key things you need if you taking up bush stalking is...
    Liked On: 07-10-2021, 09:49 AM
  7. Phil_H
    Phil_H liked post by grandpamac On thread : Light Loads for a .308W.
    Greetings and Thanks Stag, I discovered the Hodgdon data a while back and printed it to go in my .308 Load ring binder. They also did a sheet on Trail Boss data and one on subsonic loads. The...
    Liked On: 07-10-2021, 08:22 AM
  8. Phil_H
    Phil_H liked post by 257weatherby On thread : Weatherby becomes a gunsmith!
    Bought a silly cheap .270 Browning Xbolt from way down south with help from Tentman. You know that when it seems to be too good to be true, often it is exactly that. Anyhoo, got my hands on it made...
    Liked On: 07-10-2021, 07:16 AM
  9. Phil_H
    Phil_H liked post by chainsaw On thread : How's this for a deterrent ?
    My reference to the "cunstabulory" is directed to the office, the leadership (that sets the standards) & union rep rather the cop on the beat. I agree phil H the average cop is doing his/her best...
    Liked On: 04-10-2021, 04:57 PM
  10. Phil_H
    Phil_H liked post by Finnwolf On thread : How's this for a deterrent ?
    Gotta keep the prison population low to keep Labour happy eh!
    Liked On: 04-10-2021, 02:32 PM
  11. Phil_H
    Phil_H liked post by Tahr On thread : .223: The Ins & Outs of it
    nor-west he was a big one alright, and not that old. The cocky was a bit pissed about a group of reds raiding his locked up weaner paddock so I swung past there on the way home - it was dark by then...
    Liked On: 04-10-2021, 09:10 AM
  12. Phil_H
    Phil_H liked post by Trout On thread : .223: The Ins & Outs of it
    Last week i did a couple of evening walks with the Serbian 222,expecting to see yearlings,no luck tho.Nice wee rifle on your sholder,hardley know it was there.
    Liked On: 04-10-2021, 09:09 AM
  13. Phil_H
    Phil_H liked post by gadgetman On thread : A bunny shoot in Tekapo - tough but good..
    It wasn't the collapsed warrens that caused the left front to point skywards, it was obviously my massive weight in the right rear. Very challenging and a change of scenery for us. There was a...
    Liked On: 04-10-2021, 08:24 AM
  14. Phil_H
    Phil_H liked post by mudgripz On thread : A bunny shoot in Tekapo - tough but good..
    Have never seen a site as badly affected by rabbits as this one. Seen bad areas down in Cromwell, Twizel etc, and shot heavily affected areas round Omakau and in north Canterbury. But this block was...
    Liked On: 04-10-2021, 08:24 AM
  15. Phil_H
    Phil_H liked post by mudgripz On thread : A bunny shoot in Tekapo - tough but good..
    Fine bunny shoot evening in Tekapo. Our chch team has been shooting together 10-15 years and was invited to shoot block on a station near Lake Tekapo village. A problem site - much of it reduced...
    Liked On: 04-10-2021, 08:24 AM







  • 08:02 PM - Phil_H mentioned JmL in post Deleted Posts




  • 08:45 AM - Phil_H mentioned Tahr in post Deleted Posts


  • 04:42 AM - Phil_H mentioned Rusky in post Deleted Posts

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