If they shoot well in your rifle, go with the 145gr eld-x. Great projectile up close or out long, very consistent performance. 2217 or 2213sc will get them going close to or a bit over 3000fps...
Liked On: 26-05-2024, 04:40 PM
I hunted with a 270 win for around 20 years and shot 130gn to 161gn projectiles and everything in between. I ended up settling on 140gn Accubonds for the last 5 or so years I had it. 24" barrel and...
Liked On: 26-05-2024, 04:40 PM
Not me as I haven't sorted my 270 after some initial disappointing results on paper, but after asking an old shooting mate who used one for years, he would only use 130s. Nothing recent but 70s thru...
Liked On: 26-05-2024, 04:40 PM
130 grain Hornady Interlock at 3100 fps will do anything you ever wanted from a .270 in a hunting rifle.
Liked On: 26-05-2024, 04:40 PM
I have hunted with my 270W quite a bit. Almost exclusively shooting 130 gn bullets of one or other flavour. It's been great for kills out to 400 yds. Can't precisely remember every animal shot but I...
Liked On: 26-05-2024, 04:39 PM
Bullet weight doesn't matter................................It's a 270 Micky Duck :D :D
Liked On: 26-05-2024, 04:39 PM
110 TTSX exited at 280 yards. https://i.postimg.cc/XvXxfPcM/IMG_1216.jpg (https://postimg.cc/mcfQR85V)
Liked On: 26-05-2024, 04:39 PM
110 TTSX
Liked On: 26-05-2024, 04:38 PM
145 ELDX, 110-130 Barnes.
Liked On: 26-05-2024, 09:08 AM
shot .270 for a number of years great caliber - only used factory and stuck to 150 grain for reds but 130 would be good for fallow and goats - shot a few goats with 150 and good but a lighter...
Liked On: 26-05-2024, 09:08 AM
145 eldx 140 grain hornady interlock. Great performance for a budget bullet. I ran 110 ttsx driven fast in my 695 which killed like hammer of thor inside 300. I run 145 eldx and 150 ssts now.
Liked On: 26-05-2024, 09:07 AM
I used a lot of 130 sp when .270 didn’t have so many flash options then went to 140accubonds loading for a friends at the moment with 145eldx and Superformance seems to go well
Liked On: 26-05-2024, 09:07 AM
A std REM 700 barrel will shoot everything from 130 - 150 grains well. Not much need for anything outside of this range. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Liked On: 26-05-2024, 01:01 AM
Mk2 absolutely will be.
Liked On: 10-05-2024, 11:42 AM
Hi All 249795 I'd like to share the project OpenTrickler that I've been working on for the last 3 years. The OpenTrickler adopted the AutoTrickler V4 design with following improvements: -...
Liked On: 08-05-2024, 08:40 AM