Can be tripod mounted. Watch the Mark and Sam vid liked above.
Liked On: 15-09-2022, 03:40 AM
Wasn't meant to happen until he was atleast 10 years old but he's been hunting with me since he could go in the back pack and been with me on hundreds of kills. A couple parries let the handful of...
Liked On: 13-09-2022, 06:14 PM
Preacher, hold off ordering the action inlet, I have judt spent the morning dremelling clearance for various parts of the inlet as it was binding and sitting high (the tang was way too high), also...
Liked On: 03-09-2022, 01:51 PM
also...consider poking two bits of tube through butt section so you can attach the rear of sling on the side rather than the bottom like normal. it make the rifle sit flatter if across back which...
Liked On: 02-09-2022, 09:35 PM
No dumb questions bud, I'm pestering Freezer multiple times a day the poor bugger :yaeh am not durnk:
Liked On: 02-09-2022, 09:34 PM
Well it fits the factory bottom metal so I would think so
Liked On: 02-09-2022, 07:57 PM
Ended up taking a punt on Talley mediums and they're perfect. Tiny bit of weight saved and they look much sleeker than the two piece leupolds 205151
Liked On: 02-09-2022, 07:52 PM
Didn't think it could have gotten any better.... but wow... it did.
Liked On: 27-08-2022, 08:33 PM
Back into the stock work after a period away doing pay-the-bills work. Pretty nice huh? 203799
Liked On: 15-08-2022, 08:13 AM
Little miss 12yr old is getting keen to shoot her first deer so I have been trying to get in some range time with her using my suppressed howa mini as an introduction to centerfire. She has shot the...
Liked On: 14-08-2022, 07:10 PM
Not my circus sorry. I'd let the processes of local government, the crown and the adjacent land owners sort it all out. The interest shown has signalled the need for a well negotiated outcome and it...
Liked On: 12-08-2022, 11:30 PM
I really liked the way this rifle was handling so took it back apart, sanded it down and wrapped it in carbon. Gave it a new paint…. And found a pretty much new m8 x4 leupold. 2.67kg as shown here...
Liked On: 19-07-2022, 08:09 PM
I spruced up my old Remington LVSF .233 Home made powlonia carbon wrapped stock. Vixen 2.5-15x50 scope (great glass, looks to have a really forgiving eye box even at full mag) and a Maniatis...
Liked On: 21-06-2022, 09:31 PM
Me old mate Knox. 20 next year and he still gets around all right. Going a bit deaf but he’s never been the best listener anyhow. F**king useless at anything other than sleeping,eating, farting, and...
Liked On: 11-06-2022, 11:26 PM
Trout trade for some venny sausages. 199023 Think i won on the deal! 199024 Thats not 199025 Just add watties and the world problems are solved! 199026
Liked On: 11-06-2022, 11:22 PM