Haha not wanting to ask what are the best blocks. I'm more interested in what blocks get the most attention and why? R93 there certainly seems there is a sentiment about the ballot and its...
Liked On: 03-10-2017, 09:44 AM
I put in for a couple of blocks. Lotto is rigged too. I can never win anything and my wife has won $20 twice. :)
Liked On: 03-10-2017, 09:44 AM
Well hooked up the caravan yesterday (its my mates ) and we where off fully loaded me and the girls just how I like it on these occasions .On the way I thought id best swing into the servo and put...
Liked On: 01-10-2017, 07:28 PM
UPDATE!! ok so i just want to confess i gave up for 2 months. Started trapping again late july. Spoke to the neighbor and got onto his land. i think i had 15 traps.. He asked me to set them up...
Liked On: 01-10-2017, 06:37 PM
Cheers thanks for that much appreciated. The fired cases chamber absolutely fine so that's probably all good then. Maybe it's kind of seeing them together that does it. As you say, the Norma does...
Liked On: 01-10-2017, 06:21 PM
I agree, internal capacity of ADI cases might be smaller, so increased pressure with same load. Recommended practise is that if you change any component of a load you should start again and work up...
Liked On: 01-10-2017, 06:21 PM
They look OK to me just different brass has different tolerances. So long as extraction is fine they should be good to go.
Liked On: 01-10-2017, 06:21 PM
Farkin slack on updating this thread :oh noes: If anyone is keen to join me for an exploratory out of Monaco sat morning reply here and meet me at Monaco ramp 6am. will be back well before lunch....
Liked On: 29-09-2017, 08:52 PM
All I know for certain is that when I used the 7mmRemMag without the suppressor, it hurts after 5 or 6 rounds, but with the suppressor I can do a whole pack of 20 and still feel fine. (Wallet hurts a...
Liked On: 29-09-2017, 03:53 PM
Im not bothered, it will arrive soon and the service is still more reliable than my bloody truck :D
Liked On: 29-09-2017, 01:05 PM
Surely a worthy recipient of a donation. Do you have a give a little page, or similar Carpe Diem
Liked On: 28-09-2017, 05:51 PM
Reel recovery - our new Hunting retreat!! come see us at this year’s Sika Show (Booth 27) Hi All, For some years now and throughout our Toby’s illness, and subsequent passing. I’ve been...
Liked On: 28-09-2017, 05:51 PM
My Bushmaster ACR review: Well I bought this because it was the only rifle I knew of that addressed some fundamental ergonomic flaws in the AR15 rifle, such as the charging handle, bolt release...
Liked On: 28-09-2017, 11:01 AM
Thank you admin or who ever was behind fixing this issue.
Liked On: 28-09-2017, 10:41 AM
They claim it was an independent review yet it was done with hardys lab and no independent/mutual people present so the results could and may well be just what they want the public to see Sent...
Liked On: 27-09-2017, 09:23 PM