If you have to lay on a table for any reason – there may be a limited exercise or no exercise recovery period. I had three events in the last eighteen months – the hip replacement being the worst....
Liked On: 16-08-2024, 04:17 PM
I hunt alone. Once a week or so if I can. All year round. I can set my own pace and Im not holding anyone up. I can take as long as I like. No one is watching when I slide on my bum down a little...
Liked On: 16-08-2024, 04:16 PM
I have just returned from a evening hunt and reading this post i remind myself what hunting is all about , a southerly had just blown through and had cleared into a perfect evening , i watched 3 deer...
Liked On: 16-08-2024, 04:16 PM
Gravity increases exponentially as you grow older. When you do hit the ground you do not bounce as you did when younger. If you do get injured or sick it takes vastly longer to recover and sadly...
Liked On: 16-08-2024, 04:12 PM
good idea - I do have my trusty lancewood stave - I had balance problems last year- got up on roof to look at ridge flashing and scared the beejesus out of myself - turned out it was a badly blocked...
Liked On: 16-08-2024, 04:11 PM
Yeah. Wore out a couple of those. Used apeture sight on the first one and aittle 2 1/2 POWER Bushel on the next. That scope took many beatings and the rear lens rim was repeatedly resealed with clear...
Liked On: 16-08-2024, 04:08 PM
I have been checked by a Doc worker twice recently in the Kaimais. He was helping build steps as I passed. I got to talking to him and it turns out he has worked for Doc for 50 years and built a...
Liked On: 16-08-2024, 04:04 PM
My view on this is that the forums rule is “No Politics”. However very unfortunately, a great number of our membership do not fully understand that “politics” and something “political” are two quite...
Liked On: 15-08-2024, 11:27 AM
Quite funny how different people view this debate. I saw an article about illegal firearm imports while having lunch at work yesterday and mentioned to a colleague that this is why the registry will...
Liked On: 15-08-2024, 11:25 AM
That lady speaks very well.you go girl.
Liked On: 15-08-2024, 11:24 AM
And dont forget also a grandma .
Liked On: 15-08-2024, 11:24 AM
She's the one person Cahill should not pick a metaphorical fight with. She's smart, savvy, a great orator, has enormous subject knowledge, is extremely practical and has run a successful business. ...
Liked On: 15-08-2024, 11:24 AM
Correct........ ive been told by police the registry will stop firearms being used for illegal purposes, and they never ever ever ever tell fibs do they.......... oh it wont be used as a shopping...
Liked On: 14-08-2024, 12:49 PM
If the police fear for their safety on the job perhaps they should find another, "safer " job.
Liked On: 12-08-2024, 11:41 PM
I see cahill on TV tonight stating that if Nicole McKee hadn't been representing firearms owners as a lobbyist, the law might not have been what it was and the chch attacker might not have been able...
Liked On: 12-08-2024, 11:41 PM