policy with mine -check as its removed from gunsafe into secure carrying container,and check again on removal ,certainly before handing it to anyone -will often doublecheck with em so all are happy...
Liked On: 12-04-2020, 05:23 AM
Almost died on one trip up to the tops.. Car broke down which meant we walked up in dark. Weather turned into sleet and blowing a gale. By the time we got to campsite I was totally written off (...
Liked On: 12-04-2020, 05:16 AM
I can see how you would arrive at that conclusion but you need to understand trendy leftie binary rainbow maths. Covid 19 is actually Covid1 as 1 + 9 = 10 and then that gets extrapolated so that 1 +...
Liked On: 07-04-2020, 06:42 PM
works at most ranges if you are a chest shooting/hilar area type of person.....the whole 8" kill zone thing goes over head of some folk,the best way Ive heard it describes is a bit like this... ...
Liked On: 16-03-2020, 10:15 AM
Assuming it's fair chase and on public land (that's important to me personally) then a larger/more mature stag theoretically means he's eluded more hunters over his time to get to that stage. Having...
Liked On: 13-03-2020, 09:23 AM
Tell me this, if a hunter has no interest at all in trophy potential or antlers and it totally means very little to them compared to meat why should they leave it and go home empty handed ?? So, you...
Liked On: 13-03-2020, 09:21 AM
If you do the clickety dialing thing it probably doesn't really matter a damn what cartridge you choose, within reason. People that don't do that will never know the difference. Just get a damn rifle...
Liked On: 12-03-2020, 12:06 PM
I think lot of guys early in there hunting years often think the same with whatever caliber or rifle brand they start having success with. New Zealand game can comfortably be taken with a wide...
Liked On: 12-03-2020, 12:05 PM
Yes, i agree theres a difference with renowned herds etc. Places like Fiordland where alot of effort is being done to have a great Wapiti herd and have great trophys isnt really a place where you go...
Liked On: 12-03-2020, 11:50 AM
Hunting to me is a personal experience. No one should dictate to you what to shoot, when to shoot it or tell you thats not a trophy or it is etc. Its all in the eye of the beholder. Like the...
Liked On: 12-03-2020, 11:48 AM
what constitutes a trophy? anything you are proud off, first kill, weirdest antlers, strangest tusks, or even your childs first bunny
Liked On: 12-03-2020, 11:47 AM
A simple yes or no would have sufficed :D Tahr I hope all is well with you! The long and short of it, I found the firearm in the boot of a vehicle after a vehicle stop. It would be safe to...
Liked On: 04-03-2020, 12:05 PM
for the most part I firmly believe your everyday garden variety copper is doing a hard job bloody well with little thanks.....pretty sure the majority of them wont be impressed with the recent law...
Liked On: 19-02-2020, 04:35 PM
that would be a unicorn
Liked On: 11-02-2020, 11:10 AM
Same effect is caused by leaving a round chambered too long in a hot barrel when shooting a string
Liked On: 10-02-2020, 01:03 PM