Liked On: 03-09-2024, 12:58 AM
Osprey variant 37 and 52 are about as good as you'll get in a frameless pack, they are designed as a serious alpine backpack. I have used the 37's for over 10 years as a day pack, overnight pack,...
Liked On: 10-04-2020, 06:14 PM
You might think hes wonderful as a new customer...... but, i can assure you if you deal with him "enough" at some point he will piss you off.
Liked On: 07-02-2019, 10:59 PM
Don't get a Chinese made Ranger from Gun City if you want a quality AR. Digit sells a range of models so it would be worth giving him a call as a starting point.
Liked On: 06-12-2018, 08:50 PM
I am also a 7mm slut. Lots of 7,s in the cabinet. 3 are RM, custom 700, sako 75 and a tikka. All shoot equally very well out to 1000m . All do 3/4 moa with individual handloads and are all within...
Liked On: 10-09-2018, 10:56 AM
Ask any of the camp bitches which they recommend :thumbsup:
Liked On: 28-03-2018, 11:15 PM
I cannot find the crying emotion thingy. This will have to do, hang on found it. :TT TT::TT TT:
Liked On: 13-12-2017, 08:50 AM
Having spent an hour or so in the back seat of one I would disagree!
Liked On: 03-03-2017, 08:46 PM
I don't really agree in principle. Accuracy is overrated when it comes to hunting deer in my opinion. I could have probably shot the same amount of deer I have done already with a rifle that wouldnt...
Liked On: 28-01-2017, 01:11 AM
Depending on the caliber and powder. My main hunting rifle shows almost 200fps gain with the powder it likes in a 25inch barrel, I doubt the gain would even be noticeable in say a 16'' What...
Liked On: 28-01-2017, 01:07 AM
Courier parcel was intercepted by wife this morning with my new-to-me vortex scope. Found where she hid it for Xmas, waited till she popped out and quickly swapped over me old Bushnell for the new...
Liked On: 10-12-2016, 11:09 AM
Well, it seems that Nathan Foster calls the cross brassing technic ( used by norway and many of us,with weak hand under the stock and free recoil off bipod)in his book Bullshit. NF seems an adept of...
Liked On: 04-12-2016, 09:10 AM
Excellent. A pack with legs to carry itself. Looks a very good pack.
Liked On: 08-07-2016, 02:37 PM
!! DUDE!! That's like asking me to check the air in the tyres when my headlights blown. :omg:
Liked On: 28-05-2016, 05:59 AM
Liked On: 12-04-2016, 09:19 PM