'Bout time to have another get-together... hopefully this time without the rain! Saturday 9th Nov. Doesn't look like there's much important going on that date, unless you're a Buzzcocks fan;) ...
Liked On: 01-11-2024, 01:09 PM
Well well well… Found the issue… one of the last thing I had to try, use virgin brass. I think this hot load I was firing hammered the brass and they were toasted after 6 firing. The primer pocket...
Liked On: 07-10-2024, 12:27 PM
There's not 2.5k difference in glass quality. I will qualify what I mean for me. My primary use is an accurate instrument for measuring ELR. It does it better than Swarovski. It pairs to my 5700...
Liked On: 24-09-2024, 10:22 PM
Just wanting to see everyone's Sako carbon light and who's enjoying the. Especially .223 Mins in 6.5 Creedmoor...
Liked On: 24-09-2024, 10:10 PM
I guess no one’s perfect. He’s out there doing it in front of the world and showing his mistakes which a lot don’t (maybe he shouldn’t). He puts a heap of effort in to get the meat out and his...
Liked On: 24-08-2023, 11:23 PM
Maybe they hope you own a LabRadar and AMP machine and want to borrow them? :o
Liked On: 20-07-2021, 11:31 PM
I thought the same when i saw this. All the forces lever around the weakest part of a stock. I have seen factory plastic tikka stocks break here when carrying like this. Also that would put at least...
Liked On: 08-03-2021, 10:47 PM
Not sure why one would carry a rifle like this? The physics of it are asking for trouble. All of the mass/weight of the scoped barrelled action is unsupported above the straps securing the butt...
Liked On: 08-03-2021, 10:46 PM
Hi craigc Sounds like you have the dream setup there. I think 19in is the perfect length for an “all rounder” and I would love a VX5. I also suspect that the 150ELDx is a great NZ bullet with...
Liked On: 25-12-2020, 09:52 AM
The Chrono was checked accurate with the 7mm08 and i set up a target at 135yards. Funny distance but the forestry block i shoot in is pretty steep and that was the best place I had. I was using the...
Liked On: 24-12-2020, 08:44 PM
Just do what the rest of us do mate and get the receiver drilled and tapped then buy a rail from the likes of Waitaki Engineering or others and your good to go.
Liked On: 12-10-2020, 07:15 PM
Thanks Kelton. I also have some 175 eld x to try as well. They state a minimum twist rate of 1-8.5” where as the Berger’s specify 1-9”. Have been reading of a few people shooting the Berger’s with...
Liked On: 23-09-2020, 06:37 PM
Greetings Rock, AR2213SC and H4831SC are the same powder. The difference you experienced is in the lots of powder. While I have not experienced that much difference with AR2213SC I have between...
Liked On: 18-09-2020, 06:32 PM
Greetings All, Just a word to the wise. AR2213 is faster than AR2213SC in case anyone has some left. You could probably use IMR4831 data to get you started with AR2213 if needed. Also AR2213 is NOT...
Liked On: 10-09-2020, 04:26 PM
Nah you must have cut 3 inches off your barrel by mistake. Actually this is the exact reason that you need to reduce loads and work up when you change powders / lots. Imagine if you had been...
Liked On: 10-09-2020, 03:30 PM