269318 First attempt at taxidermy. Shoutout to Billbob for answering alot of my questions, wealth of knowledge he is. Fleshing board i built , Taxi stand welded by a mate.
Liked On: 23-02-2025, 03:02 PM
269318 First attempt at taxidermy. Shoutout to Billbob for answering alot of my questions, wealth of knowledge he is. Fleshing board i built , Taxi stand welded by a mate.
Liked On: 23-02-2025, 09:32 AM
269318 First attempt at taxidermy. Shoutout to Billbob for answering alot of my questions, wealth of knowledge he is. Fleshing board i built , Taxi stand welded by a mate.
Liked On: 23-02-2025, 06:40 AM
269318 First attempt at taxidermy. Shoutout to Billbob for answering alot of my questions, wealth of knowledge he is. Fleshing board i built , Taxi stand welded by a mate.
Liked On: 23-02-2025, 04:20 AM
269318 First attempt at taxidermy. Shoutout to Billbob for answering alot of my questions, wealth of knowledge he is. Fleshing board i built , Taxi stand welded by a mate.
Liked On: 22-02-2025, 10:18 PM
269318 First attempt at taxidermy. Shoutout to Billbob for answering alot of my questions, wealth of knowledge he is. Fleshing board i built , Taxi stand welded by a mate.
Liked On: 22-02-2025, 10:15 PM
269318 First attempt at taxidermy. Shoutout to Billbob for answering alot of my questions, wealth of knowledge he is. Fleshing board i built , Taxi stand welded by a mate.
Liked On: 22-02-2025, 09:35 PM
269318 First attempt at taxidermy. Shoutout to Billbob for answering alot of my questions, wealth of knowledge he is. Fleshing board i built , Taxi stand welded by a mate.
Liked On: 22-02-2025, 08:05 PM
269318 First attempt at taxidermy. Shoutout to Billbob for answering alot of my questions, wealth of knowledge he is. Fleshing board i built , Taxi stand welded by a mate.
Liked On: 22-02-2025, 05:33 PM
269318 First attempt at taxidermy. Shoutout to Billbob for answering alot of my questions, wealth of knowledge he is. Fleshing board i built , Taxi stand welded by a mate.
Liked On: 22-02-2025, 05:19 PM
269318 First attempt at taxidermy. Shoutout to Billbob for answering alot of my questions, wealth of knowledge he is. Fleshing board i built , Taxi stand welded by a mate.
Liked On: 22-02-2025, 04:54 PM
269318 First attempt at taxidermy. Shoutout to Billbob for answering alot of my questions, wealth of knowledge he is. Fleshing board i built , Taxi stand welded by a mate.
Liked On: 22-02-2025, 04:38 PM
269318 First attempt at taxidermy. Shoutout to Billbob for answering alot of my questions, wealth of knowledge he is. Fleshing board i built , Taxi stand welded by a mate.
Liked On: 22-02-2025, 04:08 PM
Thanks , i will definitly take you up on some advice in the near future . Cheers
Liked On: 22-01-2025, 10:17 PM
Cheers for the advice from all . No doubt it was a bad shot but just wanted to gauge if shooting down hill like that would play into why i missed. Back to the range i go i think . Thanks...
Liked On: 07-01-2025, 09:07 PM