Have a read through this, may give you something to go by.... https://bergerbullets.com/vld-making-shoot/
Liked On: 12-06-2023, 05:24 PM
Greetings, My first new rifle after a .303 was a .308 M700. It had a hard plastic butt plate but still felt softer recoil after the .303. I shot it that way for years until my son gave me a Hogue...
Liked On: 12-06-2023, 08:53 AM
One of the things in favour of the 308 beyond commonality of calibre and therefore ammo availablity is that in a way the 308 is like a Ford Escort - if there is a problem everyone else has had the...
Liked On: 12-06-2023, 08:52 AM
Tag along to a range day somewhere or go out on a farm with your mates and shoot some, handle some different guns see what you like. Don't rush into buying anything and really dont be too caught up...
Liked On: 11-06-2023, 10:50 PM
A 308 can do everything a 243 can only better, you can't say the same for a 243..... Not ragging on 243 at all its a good cartridge used within its limits, but if you find a 308 a bit stout while...
Liked On: 11-06-2023, 10:50 PM
Swings and round abouts - Had 2 Savages 1 with a heavy and the other a pencil - yes with the heavy you can fire more shots quickly before things heat up, but the barrel with retain its heat for...
Liked On: 11-06-2023, 09:51 PM
Had a quick trip to the range to try some brass that a very generous forum member gave me (thanks heaps Beaker ) Even though it was windy it was good to see the groups were still good and the...
Liked On: 10-06-2023, 05:47 PM
Personally i wouldnt worry about trying to measure to the lands with a Hornady OAL tool, I have always just loaded a projectile long in an empty case, tried it in the rifle with a bit of vivid on the...
Liked On: 09-06-2023, 07:21 AM
it's not that at all, unfortunately we have recently had a massive influx of scammers and spammers joining to rip off genuine members, so we have had to change approval process for new accounts. I am...
Liked On: 08-06-2023, 08:57 PM
December, watched mum, hinds off the menu taht time of year, When mum wandered away found this little one
Liked On: 05-06-2023, 09:04 PM
March, Hokitika Tops
Liked On: 05-06-2023, 09:04 PM
Hah I knew I would wind up some 6.5 crudmore lovers-get a real caliber- long live the mighty .270 - why do I dislike the 6.5 crudmore so much - because it came out was touted as the magic caliber...
Liked On: 05-06-2023, 06:32 PM
I will add this for the 6.5 crudmore lovers - old Barry would go into the hills with a Holland and Holland 7x57 open sights - mauser action - old craftmanship - subtly engraving maybe even my name...
Liked On: 05-06-2023, 06:27 PM
I struggled with inconsistencies in seating depth for a long time, was having about the same 10thou variance. The biggest improvement I got was annealing my brass regularly. It instantly dropped the...
Liked On: 05-06-2023, 06:16 PM
There’s a box in h&f taupo if anyone keen Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Liked On: 03-06-2023, 06:43 PM