Example of a prusik https://youtu.be/TEI9JlY2zgM heaps of different applications it can be used for
Liked On: 28-06-2019, 07:54 AM
If you want to mix it up a lil get 2 thin Prusik,s you can use them for a multitude of things , they’ll need to be thinner than your parachord if that’s what u go for ,we use them in conjunction with...
Liked On: 28-06-2019, 12:25 AM
Cable ties are very good, if you are a tight cunt like me get the ones that you can insert a fine blade to undo them again. Spectra line is twice as strong as paracord and 1/3 the diameter/ weight....
Liked On: 28-06-2019, 12:25 AM
Paracord: light, cheap, strong. Learn a few basic knots and they can do most stuff. Reef knot, Bowline, and a couple of different hitches (clove, log and half hitch). The trucker type knot is very...
Liked On: 27-06-2019, 08:59 PM
Just paracord cos it's light, I'm a bit hopeless at knots seeing as I got kicked out of cubs
Liked On: 27-06-2019, 06:58 PM
this weeks effort 114130
Liked On: 26-06-2019, 08:39 PM
yep, i can imagine the Partition might be a tad too tough in 22 cal. But then again personally I'd never use any 22 cal on large body game like reds, out of respect for the quarry. Perfect shot...
Liked On: 26-06-2019, 12:46 PM
Can always sort a weekend of small/medium game shooting with a couple of forum guys if you ever want to hunt in Hawkes Bay
Liked On: 23-06-2019, 12:30 PM
That was Aussie dollars. Sent from my RNE-L22 using Tapatalk
Liked On: 16-06-2019, 06:04 PM
Another thing about what to take is that sometimes its easier and safer to kip down and walk out in the morning than it it is to push on. Quite a few times Ive made a bed of ferns, put on all of my...
Liked On: 16-06-2019, 12:38 AM
I was pipped at the post.
Liked On: 14-06-2019, 07:25 AM
Kaimanawa tops were covered in areas the other day. Mate flew over pikiawatea. Not quite kawekas but not too far away haha 113251
Liked On: 12-06-2019, 10:38 PM
I use this selfmade shooting stick. Fully adjustable even on uneven slopes,- just push or pull one leg in or out. Weighs only 250grams and is approx,80cm long and slips easily in the...
Liked On: 12-06-2019, 05:21 PM
The frame in your pack makes for a decent rest.The longest shots I have pulled off have been off a pack or a pack frame. Learn your trigger control and sight picture from a rest,then prone,then...
Liked On: 12-06-2019, 07:56 AM
Check out https://www.nzhuntingandshooting.co.nz/f22/meat-mincers-26287/
Liked On: 09-06-2019, 10:07 PM