the $80 ali/temu jobs are nothing but an electric motor and offset weight. as much use as a chocolate teapot
Liked On: 05-10-2024, 10:45 PM
keep the 7mm 08 and get some Hornady superformance 150 grn. shout your self a to shelf dail up scope instead of a second rifle. chronograph the loads, work out your drops chart and verify at...
Liked On: 18-09-2024, 05:25 PM
The closed cell foam mats from Bunnings,big interlocking squares in bottom will help keep feet warm and stop lots of knocking noise if drop stuff inside boat...tends to not be noise problem if...
Liked On: 17-09-2024, 09:58 PM
Gidday, That photo is about 8 kms downstream of the upper limit for that river. Last summer there was bugger all water so you would have been doing exceptionally well to get up there. Above that...
Liked On: 16-09-2024, 10:55 PM
You sit up front one leg either side of really must get right up there....plenty room in boat itself without doing Kate n Leonardo impersonation!!
Liked On: 16-09-2024, 08:54 PM
Your in a boat you shouldnt need to be doing any serious casting
Liked On: 16-09-2024, 08:54 PM
I heard the old navy ships we used to have got concrete poured into the bottom of them to seal leaks
Liked On: 09-09-2024, 06:33 PM
That's the spirit, only 10,000 leaks to go haha! You will get there eventually, just keep an eye on it for cracking etc as well as you have changed the tensions the hull parts are under. This is...
Liked On: 09-09-2024, 06:32 PM
Kneadit sticks like shit to a blanket. reasonably cheap and you lasts for ages. I have some thats still doing good work keeping oil on the inside of magnesium cases on my dirt bike. Plus it bunged up...
Liked On: 07-09-2024, 10:14 PM
Ms1 is perfect for jobs like this...heck I know a engineer/mechanic/Mr fix it,who keeps agricultural machinery going with zippy ties,silage tape and tubes of the black stuff. Amazing just what ms1...
Liked On: 07-09-2024, 10:14 PM
newtech is pretty good bog.
Liked On: 07-09-2024, 10:14 PM
Again, I'd be reluctant to paint an older hull just from past experience (which was dramatically terrible - the coating actually created a lovely corrosion stop and the hull blistered under the...
Liked On: 06-09-2024, 11:52 PM
Try painting the boat inside and out from the keel to the waterline with something like this...... Turn the hull upside down...
Liked On: 06-09-2024, 11:52 PM
Yikes - maybe if new and no corrosion in it... This is the problem with these riveted hulls, once you start and tighten one bit up the next loose corroded bit shows it face. And they will all be...
Liked On: 06-09-2024, 11:44 PM
Try some higher octane fuel it will give you more top end speed.
Liked On: 06-09-2024, 11:43 PM