Yesterday mum needed some time to herself to finish off an assignment for her post grad studies, so being a nice day, Lachie and I decided we'd go on a bit of an adventure to kill the afternoon. ...
Liked On: 22-08-2016, 02:45 PM
Ordered 1 today should be here early next week
Liked On: 19-08-2016, 06:28 PM
And the buffer tube/kit arrived today, Comm spec. I'll probably re-weight the or replace the buffer to something heavier a handguard is on the way aswell. just need a barrel and its play time!...
Liked On: 18-08-2016, 09:16 PM
I see you got it covered seano elsewhere. Must be a faster typer than me
Liked On: 18-08-2016, 11:47 AM
Picked up my parcel from customs today (from Brownells) stock & grip, and a few other bits a pieces for another lower, LOL! can't have to many 53951 almost a complete rifle! fitted a...
Liked On: 16-08-2016, 10:18 PM
Bet you'll be well pleased mate, a new compact is being made for me, and my LEM-A10 for the .300 Blaser Magnum has been finished and about to be test fired with the rifle. MAE are the goods in my...
Liked On: 14-08-2016, 05:06 PM
Another thing for all you multi-gun, 3-gun and pistol shooters to consider with help from twinneedle The guys and girls there custom made some molle sections to fit over a bunnings $35 fold up...
Liked On: 02-08-2016, 02:33 PM
Yeah I ordered a heap off Bill on that indent order. Sent from my SM-T280 using Tapatalk
Liked On: 02-08-2016, 07:54 AM
Shoot weak hand only from now on
Liked On: 27-07-2016, 06:26 PM
Its a lot easier to get to now, more car parking, twice as big .... the list goes on....
Liked On: 24-07-2016, 04:55 PM
Hi Guys & Gals If you haven't already been in, Our New Store in Hornby is now open 64 Carmen Road, Hornby Ph (03) 3480 -656 Cheers
Liked On: 24-07-2016, 04:55 PM
5244352444524455244652447 4x4's, glued and screwed. 18mm MDF top, all painted (and yes the garage was a horrible colors BEFORE we brought the place...Now all white) 8mm steel plate glued down...
Liked On: 20-07-2016, 12:09 PM
If more folk were to get behind the Canterbury Sports Shooting Complex development, this would help. The site is next to the West Melton army range and is planned to include a 1,000m range and...
Liked On: 17-07-2016, 10:28 AM
for me , they go from the safe , ... into a zippered pouch , then into the range bag , then into the boot of the swift , .... then to the range . and back again ...
Liked On: 14-07-2016, 09:30 AM
Further to what seano said, I usually email Dan at Auckland Airport Customs with the Brownells confirmation details once its arrived in NZ (use the tracking) and a photo of the A-Cat rifle/lower as...
Liked On: 12-07-2016, 03:31 PM