I agree. I've heard so many guys raving about how devastating their hotshot 130 grain load is on Sika, Fallow, Reds etc. But they've only shot light framed animals. And when they poke one in to a...
Liked On: 26-07-2024, 11:49 AM
Grandpa Mac is onto it... With suppressed rifle the heavier 145_150 and up to 170 are just as nice to shoot. 60 grns is a crunch 58 much easier with ar2213 and these days the two powders are that...
Liked On: 26-07-2024, 11:46 AM
Greetings, If I recall the best load for anything in the .270 was 60 grains of WW2 milsurp 4831 with the 130 grain projectile. I believe that this load was carved on a stone tablet and handed down...
Liked On: 26-07-2024, 11:45 AM
My go to .270win load for well over a decade (using same criteria you note) is 130gr Nosler Accubond & AR2209. Mild pressures, good velocity, consistently accurate and smacks over everything it hits....
Liked On: 26-07-2024, 11:44 AM
Greetings Trav-6mmrem, That did not go to plan. The cases did form for sneeze but not for you. So what was different. Clearly the false shoulder did not do the job. Looking at the photo's the middle...
Liked On: 26-07-2024, 11:01 AM
Greetings all, A few notes on the AI cases follow. Parker Ackley developed and wrote about his AI cases back in a more innocent time when pressure testing was limited. The two most popular were...
Liked On: 26-07-2024, 10:58 AM
The .280 and AI cases have longer headspace than the .270 so the correct way is to neck the cases up to .30-06 and then set the shoulder back to a hard close in the .280 AI die. You have missed that...
Liked On: 26-07-2024, 10:54 AM
Hey Goose, I'm not suggesting you get a parallax adjustable scope. Check your scope for parallax error - on some scopes, especially some cheaper ones, they can have significant parallax errors...
Liked On: 26-07-2024, 10:43 AM
Where's the fun in that! I enjoy a challenge, I reload about 20 different cartridges, many of them well and truly obsolete. From the smallest - 297/230 Morris through to 577/500 No2 Express and...
Liked On: 26-07-2024, 10:39 AM
This rifle should shoot a maximum four shot group size of 65mm at 100m. Mine was recorded by the factory having a 40mm group. Your rifle should easily achieve 25mm at 50m. Remember that this is not...
Liked On: 26-07-2024, 10:33 AM
Slight delay but got out again with the 4x off my enfield, results seem much better, after a few zeroing shots I managed to get 4 shots in 1.5cm at 35m then 3 shots just over an inch at 60m, which...
Liked On: 26-07-2024, 10:21 AM
99%sure I've read of folks doing it with much bigger cup n core projectiles .318 comes to mind. A gentle hand and a bit of lube might be your new best friend.... Get your mind out of gutter,nipple...
Liked On: 26-07-2024, 10:19 AM
And a picture of the rifle for some reference, Its a Izhmash Bars 4-1, little rough around the edges, has had the barrel shortened to 16" and threaded but soon to have a suppressor on there. 248403
Liked On: 26-07-2024, 09:47 AM
To be honest, it's been hard to find .223 diameter projectiles for the older bores for a long time. Some times they are available, and when they are you by in bulk. From what a couple of retailers...
Liked On: 26-07-2024, 09:45 AM
Thats very close to what I am doing with the 2209. I started in the middle of the min/max suggestions in the ADI book and got the above load. It worked very well. I figured that going to the max to...
Liked On: 26-07-2024, 09:38 AM