Enough of that cross dressing shit. We got enuff demented delusional fcukwits in this woke society without encouraging Mickey’s to build bent ducks. MG
Liked On: 20-05-2024, 03:25 PM
Hell yeah. No way do you want the wife knowing what's in there.
Liked On: 18-04-2024, 02:46 PM
That would probably fall under the same rules as the Military and Police where no license required for firearms stuff while on duty. All of this stuff is VERY similar to what I see on the UK...
Liked On: 18-04-2024, 02:43 PM
Depends on what you want to spend. But a howa mini, cut the stock to suit, and heaps of cheap second hand stocks to bring it to size again later. Also use old jandels of various thicknesses for...
Liked On: 16-04-2024, 09:37 AM
If your 314 was sideways then you might like to try some cast 8mm bullets
Liked On: 14-04-2024, 12:21 AM
Would be perfect for spotlighting possums, one shot at the trunk fells the tree then you can run round knocking possum on the head with the muzzle break!
Liked On: 12-04-2024, 04:35 PM
Liked On: 11-04-2024, 07:14 PM
Ok you're all onto it. This is a collection of real 3-shot groups, fired with no sight adjustments between groups. These groups were shot at 53m with a .22LR, from a bipod/rear bag in a prone...
Liked On: 11-04-2024, 11:33 AM
The front engine job on the Hilux is not hard, don’t let any mechanics convince you otherwise. Belt, tensioner and water pump, motor is dead easy to time. Take the radiator out for maximum room,...
Liked On: 11-04-2024, 04:15 AM
A few yearts back, a fella that was way more wise than me told me that you will get nowhere fighting a "group" from the outside, if you wanta see results fight them from the inside. There is nothing...
Liked On: 08-04-2024, 01:57 PM
I keep getting the same response from tinder
Liked On: 06-04-2024, 01:20 PM
Ok I don't have photos but... My rifle is a JW-103 (Norinco 'Bisley Arms' assembled by foot not hand thing, awful fit and finish and had real issues getting the scope on straight because the screw...
Liked On: 04-04-2024, 06:56 PM
I don't think you need to worry too much about the trigger, Mine has been done over (before I got it, it's at 715gms) but that doesn't hold it back . When Darren @rambo6mmrem ran his competition...
Liked On: 04-04-2024, 01:58 PM
yes if there were two targets together a fat 80lb sow and a fat fallow doe the pig would be first with me very day of the week
Liked On: 04-04-2024, 01:45 PM
Invite some vegan carpet munchers around. Should be licked clean in a matter of seconds:omg:
Liked On: 03-04-2024, 05:07 AM