Made it to my mid 50's after eating rabbit/pheasant/partridge shot with lead probably twice a week from wo to 17 on the farm. That is without walking round for hours with half a dozen .22 air rifle...
Liked On: 10-03-2023, 08:35 PM
yep I see it at my work too. Just because someone has a PhD they promote them to a supervisor role when the vast majority of them have no managerial or people handling skills. It should be a...
Liked On: 03-03-2023, 07:50 PM
Agree wholeheartedly! I've noticed over my working life that so many people get promoted above their level of competency. So a first class welder becomes a crap foreman, and so on...
Liked On: 03-03-2023, 07:50 PM
Very Happy with it in the 45/70 . Was pleasently surprised at the price. From memory bout $1.50 a case
Liked On: 01-03-2023, 09:57 PM
Bunjis typewriter perhaps???
Liked On: 28-02-2023, 08:41 PM
Is all OK if you'r on their team.
Liked On: 26-01-2023, 11:01 AM
Promoting Collins is a spit in the face tbh
Liked On: 19-01-2023, 12:47 PM
McClay has presented trophies at CNIGC service rifle shoots, but then also voted to take them away. His local branch head is on the NZSRA national committee, and McClay is a lot less PC in person...
Liked On: 19-01-2023, 12:47 PM
:roll::roll::roll: Of course they'll create a populist shadow portfolio. They'll leap at anything that might gain them votes. The real question is "what will they deliver?" Remember...
Liked On: 19-01-2023, 12:47 PM
I’m on holiday and can’t believe I just read six pages of shit. Here it is right here. Something only sells for what somebody is prepared to pay. Simple. Commerce 101. Don’t like it fuck up and fuck...
Liked On: 18-01-2023, 08:17 AM
Great thread, i grew up, a touch late for the meat hunting, but Dad was a culler, bridge builder and hut builder for NZFS, so lots intresting yarns when his work mates were about, I too, carted...
Liked On: 11-01-2023, 06:41 PM
I get a few jibes on here about hunting private land mainly now. I can understand why 'cos its what they hear and see of me - but I really busted my arse on public land for longer than the nay-sayers...
Liked On: 06-01-2023, 07:54 AM
These are the first 2 deer that I shot and sold. I was 21 It was in the head waters of the Mangahao in the Tararuas. About 5 hour walk to where I shot them. The rifle is a Brno .222. I shoulder...
Liked On: 06-01-2023, 07:53 AM
The Waipara river thing has been going for over 10years. Trouble is more people have built close to the river and they want all to them self's. Does not help there a lot of drop kicks out there...
Liked On: 14-12-2022, 07:44 PM
I realise that people have got all up in arms the last little while about this, but to be perfectly honest "scoping" has been going on all the time, and about everyone I know does it. But scoping...
Liked On: 13-12-2022, 06:52 AM