I’ve just had similar experience with a new 7 Saum. Feeding from magazine with 2 thou neck tension Id get the odd flyer. Single feed the same load and the flyers disappeared. Increased neck...
Liked On: 14-09-2024, 07:34 PM
So I could cram 24 grains of BP under the 210 grain heeled bullet And outside to fire the first shot about 4 hours after I started In that time I've stripped and reassembled the entire rifle...
Liked On: 01-09-2024, 07:05 PM
Following as this is very interesting and might be in the market soon
Liked On: 25-08-2024, 12:59 PM
I'd be keen for a set if you do another run. Thanks
Liked On: 24-08-2024, 09:30 PM
Hey Friwi, It is a 9 1/2 twist. I've settled on the Speer 270gr as the 285 is on the edge of stability. The Norma 285 is more pointed and a flyshit longer, so not quite as stable as Hornady or...
Liked On: 11-08-2024, 01:41 PM
One of the cartridges I load, based on the 7.62x39 blown out to 9.3mm / .366. Running 270gr Speers with 15.5gr 2207 for 1085fps. Howa mini action, MDT Oryx stock, Barrel is a 9mm Makarov blank.
Liked On: 11-08-2024, 01:39 PM
Of cause it is ,gun writers and magazines and firearms companies work it just like the any other trend. The bush pig concept is a classic example ,NZ hunter mag builds one writes about it and bingo...
Liked On: 09-08-2024, 09:14 PM
I used birchwood casey super blue. I ended up taking the engraving off the sides of the action to clean it up a bit, still needs a bit more blue I think. 256109 256110
Liked On: 31-07-2024, 07:12 PM
Just thought I'd get in everyone's face with some pictures of Rainy Day Projects that I tinker with to utilize my collection of Antlers and give me another dimension to a lifetime of wandering our...
Liked On: 20-07-2024, 02:31 PM
Weight and balance, balance is pretty good. The balance point is right at the rear of the foregrip as most of they weight in those Baikals is in the action. The weight with the rail but no...
Liked On: 13-07-2024, 01:56 PM
Hi SixtyTen. Are you able to message me about purchasing one of your die sets please. Cheers.
Liked On: 05-07-2024, 11:38 PM
Dama dama Shes all finished.. although it could do with the barrel being dumped in a hot blue tank which I will have done at some stage to give it a darker more durable blue than my make shift cold...
Liked On: 16-06-2024, 09:35 AM
Hi all. I've recently quit my job as a full time machinist to start up my own business. Bad time to start up but here it goes. I think a lot of the products we import for firearms could be made...
Liked On: 02-06-2024, 11:08 PM
Once I got my hands on a .224 barrel(unfired CZ barrel, 24" 1:9 twist) it was time to stub the shotgun barrel and bore the first 110mm to 21mm so the forcing cone was gone and there was a step to...
Liked On: 27-05-2024, 06:18 PM
I can confirm that it like Black Powder 360 grain cast powder coated loads. 50 grains 1 1/2 FG and over powder card slightly compressed 250199 250200
Liked On: 26-05-2024, 10:48 PM