Anyone that is worried, it's simple. Once a year go to your Dr and get a blood test. Forget what you read. Stop making assumptions. Find out if your blood pb levels are unacceptable high. ...
Liked On: 30-01-2025, 02:01 PM
It's all bull sh1t How many die on the roads in NZ annually How many die of Pb poisoning due to eating contaminated meat? Honestly don't fall for it boys. Tried it here with a report on...
Liked On: 30-01-2025, 11:28 AM
None. There are agendas involved here. You have to be wary of who presents this kind of evidence. Remember the NZ scientists who presented a dead native bird to the press, that had eaten a bullet...
Liked On: 30-01-2025, 11:17 AM
Here we go with the good old kiwi " it's new so it must be shit " saga once again. Since none of us have tried it and it's cost none of us fuck all,why the interest in shitting on it? You guys...
Liked On: 09-01-2025, 10:12 AM
DOC regard them as taboo. Have heard sometimes they send teams in to dismantle a few that have sprung up but I don't think their budgets cover more frequent missions so they might not be winning the...
Liked On: 30-12-2024, 10:32 AM
Yeah mate …would agree totally… but to pontificate that you lose yr edge is BS!!!….. it’s just another format in the hunting regime that you adjust too… Iron scopes … to nicer scopes …to...
Liked On: 27-12-2024, 10:40 AM
A quick note before I put you on my block list as a spankcarrot with no fucking clue The guy you're giving shit to is a gunsmith of long standing with a very high reputation who has forgotten more...
Liked On: 22-12-2024, 10:51 AM
Liked On: 19-12-2024, 10:11 AM
Thanks for whoever put up the mini-documentary Just a sad sad situation Why the fuck can't people leave a harmless bloke alone?
Liked On: 19-12-2024, 10:09 AM
I'm told there are a few more details to come out that aren't mine to share but come from someone who was close to the situation. I agree with you in that he deserved to have been treated better...
Liked On: 19-12-2024, 10:09 AM
The thing with this is that it's not just a Coromandel issue - many many rural parts of NZ have a major issue with trespass by people who are chasing animals onto land that they don't have permission...
Liked On: 16-12-2024, 09:57 AM
"The true measure of a society can be found in how it treats it's most vulnerable members." Is a quote that often springs to mind when I read the news these days. This man (if it is who I believe it...
Liked On: 16-12-2024, 09:54 AM
I understand and agree with what you are saying. I also know that this tragic event didn't happen in isolation. There is a significant back story to it. Further to that and without knowing all...
Liked On: 16-12-2024, 09:51 AM
how long will it be after police crime scene guard leaves before the local scum deal to his stock .
Liked On: 14-12-2024, 09:00 PM
OH dear, you think they are safe? This approach seems like another version of "Ban this Ban that make everyone safe". Also incase you haden't noticed it was missuse of a firearm, so I can only assume...
Liked On: 10-12-2024, 01:46 PM