yeah agree with the bushman -the last thing you need is to start flinching from noise - if its just the noise that's bothering you then when target shooting I use a set of good sonic ear plugs and...
Liked On: 06-02-2023, 08:35 AM
The practice with a .22 will translate to some degree but its generally better to practice with a centerfire if your aiming to shoot centerfire. What's your aim for this firearm? Im wondering if it...
Liked On: 05-02-2023, 11:55 PM
You really have to be carefull with the background of the thing you are shooting at when using those 308 subsonic ammo, they generally do not expend, and depending what you are shooting at they can...
Liked On: 05-02-2023, 11:31 PM
Hi Snap, The home kill is a different situation. Generally dealing with an animal that is quiet and still plus its done by an experience operator at close range were he can put the bullet into...
Liked On: 05-02-2023, 11:23 PM
Suggest sporting 'noise cancelling' earmuffs, Peltor Sporttac are one and there are others on the market. Or earplugs work, but while suppressors reduce the impact of the sound waves on your...
Liked On: 05-02-2023, 11:23 PM
I have put down cows and bulls with a 308, 7.62 and 12 ga. I have shot a lot of goats with 308 subsonics. A bull is a tough animal with thick skin, bones and muscles. Use a full power 308, preferably...
Liked On: 05-02-2023, 11:23 PM
A rogue Bull at 150 yrds needs headshot with EVERYTHINg a full power 308 can throw at it Subsonic ammo will only detract from your lifespan if said bull thinks your at fault for annoying it ...
Liked On: 05-02-2023, 11:16 PM
as above, a 300black out is not a bigger / more powerful cartridge than a 308. The bang comes from the escaping gases and a 308 subsonic will have way more gas and a larger hole than a 22...
Liked On: 05-02-2023, 11:16 PM
I would suggest some ear plugs or muffs, practice and finding someone more experienced to help you get it sighted in correctly I wouldn't personally be using a subsonic round to take down a...
Liked On: 05-02-2023, 11:16 PM