Every few months I strip my DPT, put the components in the ultrasonic cleaner, with a little detergent. Considerable carbon dislodges and it may need a couple of goes, then rinse in warm water, dry...
Liked On: 05-01-2025, 11:53 AM
But don't leave poison where it can be accessed by dogs.
Liked On: 05-01-2025, 09:54 AM
Some good advice there. And you can do your bit for conservation by helping keep our backcountry pristine and carry in a bucket of Rat Bait. But don't just spread it around or toss it under the...
Liked On: 05-01-2025, 09:53 AM
Surely no one thinks that we don't have an illicit gun problem? And a gun crime problem? Don't get distracted by the numbers. They are just numbers. 17K? 10K? 5K? Whatever. There are too many guns in...
Liked On: 04-01-2025, 04:34 PM
Awesome advice, thanks very much. I like the idea of spares so will most likely go with a DPT, chur
Liked On: 04-01-2025, 02:53 PM
Go DPT all day long.they are not that far from you,have a great product,great customer service and supporters/ advertise on here.
Liked On: 04-01-2025, 02:16 PM
Lies, damn lies, statistics, Chris Cahil. Tell us what constitutes 17,000 firearms encounters.
Liked On: 04-01-2025, 02:08 PM
I think we can all appreciate what has been happening in Canada insofar as it is a warning to us all.
Liked On: 04-01-2025, 01:14 PM
The effects of angle (both up and downhill) aren't possibly as great as you may expect. At 30 degrees, the actual drop is still 86% of shooting horizontally. At 45 degrees which is pretty steep...
Liked On: 04-01-2025, 12:58 PM
Well if you already notifies them about a squeak issue and they chose not to look at then I reckon you have some ground to stand on to get cranky
Liked On: 04-01-2025, 12:26 PM
As I said, I am not mechanically minded in the least, so took it as job done once squeak stopped. My bad
Liked On: 04-01-2025, 12:26 PM
I consumed more lead putting sinkers on my fishing line using my teeth to clamp them shut as a kid than I’ll ever consume eating game I’ve killed. I’m perfectly fine, just ask my wife . Do what...
Liked On: 02-01-2025, 04:32 PM
Hornady recently did a podcast where they talked about estimated barrel life and barrel cleaning frequency for different cartridges, and I've taken the data from their spreadsheet and made my own to...
Liked On: 02-01-2025, 09:07 AM
And these are the sorts of conditions (zero ppe or risk mitigation for that matter) that result in abt 1.5ml deaths globally. Not consuming a few particles when consuming meat. Very little is...
Liked On: 01-01-2025, 01:09 PM
Lot of things worse for you than the lead in jacketed bullets. Unless you are on the terminal end. Hope the lead fearing people also avoid plastic tipped bullets and use lead free primers.
Liked On: 01-01-2025, 01:07 PM