Another JACK 3.0, K110 with an ironwood burl handle. 271070 271071
Liked On: 22-03-2025, 05:33 PM
This is my version of a Ray Mears "woodlore" knife. These are a bushcraft knife, so would normally have a scandi grind, but I did this one as a flat grind since its going to a guy who spends more...
Liked On: 22-03-2025, 05:33 PM
Great result. I don't know why you would go bush without one really
Liked On: 18-03-2025, 04:51 PM
Awesome. These HUNTS courses are one of the best things ever to happen to hunting in NZ. Well done NZDA!
Liked On: 17-03-2025, 10:46 PM
And Australia clearly has lower gun crime rates than NZ showing thier system works....Oh wait ...its much worse thasn ours you say...well'll be buggered - Maybe the Aussie system doesn't work...
Liked On: 17-03-2025, 04:55 PM
Left NPL bound for Whanganui on time. Made good time at the expense of an ice cream stop at the berry farm. Bummed.* Arrived 17h45, most of the boys already here, off loading quads, guns, and gear...
Liked On: 10-03-2025, 08:50 PM
Nice one. Looks like it’s got a touch of bite.Will go nicely with the last lot of bread baked. 270271
Liked On: 09-03-2025, 06:33 PM
Happy new year again. This time is for lunar new year. 267800267801267802267803
Liked On: 29-01-2025, 03:41 PM
The flat iron straight off the shoulder. 266818 Trimmed and outer silver skin removed. 266819 The centre silver skin removed and separated into the 2 steaks. 266820 266821
Liked On: 29-01-2025, 03:40 PM
No watties here either. Late breakfast at 1pm. Wanting to show a venison flat iron steak. It is the meat from the outside of the shoulder plate on the larger side of the shoulder rib bone. When...
Liked On: 29-01-2025, 03:39 PM
I used a 25-08 for a number of years but before all the high BC bullets and modern powders thinking really hard about a 25 creedmore as factory brass is available or a 25 PRC but then I have a 6.5...
Liked On: 01-01-2025, 04:47 PM
A good excuse to make the carry out more pleasurable by not carrying out shot up forequarters :)
Liked On: 31-12-2024, 11:18 AM
That looks bloody good same as using the belt. Which I sometime forget Sent from my CPH2531 using Tapatalk
Liked On: 18-12-2024, 05:36 PM
That's pretty cool - especially the part that has no bones on your shoulders.
Liked On: 18-12-2024, 05:35 PM
Quick trip weekend just been, into a creek in the kawekas walked in the Friday arvo went for a quick hunt that evening with nothing seen. The next morning we woke up around 4am quick coffee then off...
Liked On: 18-12-2024, 05:19 PM