Although not strictly a hunting/fishing trip it was a great wilderness experience. A few photos from the trip. 219494 Dinner was provided free of charge. No feet got wet in the capture of these...
Liked On: 24-03-2023, 10:26 PM
After a quick sight in at mates farm(4shots as I only had 10 rounds)with federal blue box we were off to Clements mill rd on Saturday,arriving at 3.30 we set up camp and headed to a clearing for an...
Liked On: 13-03-2023, 08:28 PM
Just come back from a week down south with no real plan, first off had a go at a few wallaby’s with my brother up mt studholmes in the rain, it’s very entertaining plinking them off if you havnt done...
Liked On: 12-03-2023, 07:50 PM
+1. Once you get over about 3x you FOV diminishes to a point where it makes it difficult at close range. I own a 3-15 and a 3.5-10 on my centrefires as as a compromise between magnification and size...
Liked On: 06-03-2023, 09:49 PM
Picked up Micky Duck at 0530 and headed west to a block we've hunted a few times before. Today we were also accompanied by my eldest son Ryan. Arriving at the block a bit after daylight we...
Liked On: 04-03-2023, 08:41 PM
After a quick catch up with Pengy and veitnamcam yesterday, the talk of hunting got me all keen so I decided to go out for a quick overnighter. Early on in the trip (about half an hour after I left...
Liked On: 02-03-2023, 04:54 PM
I went out this morning at 6.30 for a goat hunt. It was cold but clear, promising a beautiful day once the fog had burned off. This is my second goat hunt. The previous one was unsuccessful but I...
Liked On: 18-02-2023, 06:43 PM
I post a bit about vintage and BP rifles but this morning I went through 6 pages on the forum to find a hunting/ magazine post So this is my plee for more hunting stories ( even basic boring ones...
Liked On: 18-02-2023, 11:45 AM
This. Has taken me years and years to realise that I have sprinted past hundreds of deer in search of the next valley or slip. So obsessed with seeing new ground that I forgot to ever endeavour at...
Liked On: 15-02-2023, 06:36 PM
So it pretty much looks like 42grs (ish) of 2209 with a 95-100 grain cup core is a pretty universal load
Liked On: 14-02-2023, 09:07 PM
Went down to Tongariro National Park for a quick overnighter with the boy. Was hoping for a stag but didn't see any. Saw 5 Deer last night all Hinds, Yearlings and Fawns. Got up early this morning...
Liked On: 12-02-2023, 05:08 PM
2023 -what a year so far .and so it continues. Im here buggerising about on me computer last week when hello a PM arrives Bugger me its an invite to join mickey duck for a 3day stint in his wee...
Liked On: 07-02-2023, 09:47 PM
In keeping with a bit of a theme of mine recently. Went bush stalking goats with a 32" barrelled Pedersoli Sharps 1874 long range rifle. Using black powder loaded 45-70 with 405gr cast projectiles....
Liked On: 04-02-2023, 05:13 PM
Managed to get away for an over nighter,had to be back home by 10.30am the next morning.Got to the riverbed by 9pm.Watched a nice area till after dark.Bugger nothing around,windy rainy night.Next...
Liked On: 20-01-2023, 09:01 PM
Today I got up early and headed away for a hunt. left the old gal Meg at home in a sulk ,took young Poppy as both dogs together just isnt working,the old gal cant wind properly with young lass...
Liked On: 18-01-2023, 05:39 PM