Ive driven that road countless times over the years, always a few billies around. Never actually got out for as hunt though
Liked On: 21-08-2020, 09:43 PM
with your super accurate .243 (they all are,arent they?)I would suggest try neck shooting when have stable/rested shot and take out front wheels when not so good. if you aim forwards its quicker...
Liked On: 21-08-2020, 09:39 PM
Managed to sneak out for a few days in the freezing cold, -12 on one night tested the gear well. Here is a video i've put together have a look and let me know what you think Hope you enjoy!! ...
Liked On: 21-08-2020, 08:37 AM
There must have been other coloured ones there. What have you got against black goats? Don't there lives matter☺ Only joking looks like a good bit of country.
Liked On: 21-08-2020, 08:33 AM
After a reasonable amount of persuasion and earning some points by doing some jobs for the kids bedrooms my wife agreed to a hunting pass for Sunday just been. Up at a sparrows fart I hit the road to...
Liked On: 18-08-2020, 12:06 AM
No more bloody semi-auto .22s for me. From now on it is bolt-actions all the way! I even brought a single shot .22 the other day after my old POS Stirling model 20p turned 3 shot auto on me. :omg:...
Liked On: 12-08-2020, 11:15 PM
.308 Win, 151gr shooternz cast lead bullet, ADI military brass, Trail Boss, 1050 ft./sec. I will keep this short. Riding the quad to elevated positions and then shooting everything from half a...
Liked On: 12-08-2020, 11:13 PM
Finally got round to removing the scratched up and battered polyurethane coating on the stock of my Ruger M77. Sanded it all off with my orbital sander using 220 grit. Many recommend the use of a...
Liked On: 09-08-2020, 12:02 AM
turn scope 90 degrees and see where its shooting....IF holes now appearing way out to one side scope tube is bent..... careful manipulation CAN fix this...so can warrenty claim.
Liked On: 08-08-2020, 09:57 PM
I didn’t manage to get out immediately after the COVID lockdown but after a cursory reshuffle of my annual leave and a couple of phone calls I had two good trips planned into the Kawekas in June...
Liked On: 05-08-2020, 09:29 PM
Having a few computer issues but ill carry on regardless. That rifle in my earlier post is my ole Ruger m77 243 that i bought when i was about 20yrs old so that is 43 yrs ago, it has been largely...
Liked On: 27-07-2020, 09:53 PM
This is my favorite fixed 6 scope and it works great sitting on my Belgium Browning .308. Meopta's MeoPro 6x42. Amazing light gathering and European glass quality. As soon as I saw this scope I knew...
Liked On: 25-07-2020, 09:39 AM
Mmmmm to just clear up the Vari-X versus the VX and the VX-I versus the VX-1. Chart doesn't show the very latest series though. Seen the older scopes misrepresented on the likes or Tardme. 145842
Liked On: 25-07-2020, 09:38 AM
Life is to short to own a Stirling . The reality is that most people will shoot way more rimfire rounds during their shooting life than Centerfire . But they want to cheap out and only spend a...
Liked On: 18-07-2020, 10:09 AM
I can help with a few... Mount master is on par / price pointed to be similar to the older silver crown. Gold crown and Gold crown AO (Now Air king) is the next step up. (I think panamax fits...
Liked On: 11-07-2020, 12:09 AM