She followed her old man and joined as Infantry but they broke her on basic and a couple of years down the track she still hasn’t healed up well enough for the rigours of a combat corps so these days...
Liked On: 25-05-2023, 06:06 AM
I think the advisable thing to do (and I suspect most will) is to sit back and watch & wait unless compelled to comply. There is much chatter that the back-room boffins have told Police that the...
Liked On: 24-05-2023, 11:32 PM
I don’t make them myself but if I have a choice when buying, I’d rather the clear coat or a nice silver instead of bright colours. Especially red, it just seems odd to load little lipsticks into a...
Liked On: 22-05-2023, 09:33 PM
These guys have always been nice to me
Liked On: 03-05-2023, 01:48 PM
Greetings @Piplstrelle, Mostly for my own benefit a short test was carried out. Two once fired .308 cases, previously fired in the .308 were selected and deprimed with a punch set. Case lengths were...
Liked On: 10-04-2023, 11:35 PM
zero rifle 2" high at hundy,point n shoot out to 250,hold a bit higher out to 300.... anything past that you should be a bit more presise... 99% of shots I would take are well under that range.
Liked On: 08-04-2023, 10:22 PM
I run meindl dovre extreme gtx wide. Got them from for a third of the price buying them in NZ. The height on them offers really good support, never had even a worrying about hurting...
Liked On: 23-03-2023, 12:38 PM
trick I learnt years ago on mt somers track..chuck a handfull of sand onto rocks,makes a huge difference to your grip when do stand on them. but its far better to get wet feet by going safe than...
Liked On: 23-03-2023, 12:37 PM
By the time they get smashed in to the bolt face a few times they will harden up.:thumbsup:
Liked On: 05-03-2023, 12:08 AM
Very Happy with it in the 45/70 . Was pleasently surprised at the price. From memory bout $1.50 a case
Liked On: 25-02-2023, 10:17 PM
John Williams, Govt. shooter, Commercial meat hunter, possum trapper, Tourist Hunting Guide, Husband, Father and family Provider. Gone out 2023.
Liked On: 18-02-2023, 08:22 AM
Get all the copper/ carbon out of your barrel first Try again
Liked On: 12-02-2023, 07:24 AM
Suggest you try GRT.
Liked On: 07-02-2023, 10:26 PM
It’s all in the photos tikka .308 178eldm 2206h fed 210gm same charge 8 thou difference
Liked On: 26-01-2023, 11:09 PM
Got to keep this in perspective. Really, this only involves a few shooters nattering on the internet (here) and at the most a bigger handful of shooters who buy shooting consumables off Trade Me. It...
Liked On: 17-01-2023, 07:35 AM