I'd still buy the NX8, at least you get the satisfaction of knowing your supporting Kiwi businesses by paying 50% more than they do in the USA and you may get shafted by the manufacturer. Sounds...
Liked On: 16-11-2020, 01:46 AM
The other advantage that sfp has is you can get way more elevation adjustment from the reticle by altering the magnification. This is a trick long range 22 shooters often employ.
Liked On: 16-11-2020, 01:04 AM
Apart from weight!
Liked On: 16-11-2020, 01:04 AM
I predominately hunt in NI bush with the occasional long shot if I break out into the tops or across a river flat or gully. For the longer shots I like to have a retical the I can use for wind holds...
Liked On: 16-11-2020, 01:04 AM
Someone posted this advice ages ago (and probably in this thread too). Go to your local Gun store and shoulder Howa, Tikka, Ruger, Savage, etc then look for the second-hand version of what you...
Liked On: 15-11-2020, 10:58 AM
I guess end of the day i do want the best rifle for the money, so maybe should consider a Tikka. A shortened barrel .308 with a nice suppressor would do the job
Liked On: 14-11-2020, 10:59 AM
I used a 250 for years to shoot bunnies in central, nearly killed the barrel in a weekends shooting... I used to load 34gr 2208 55 vmax for 3600ish. I switched to Hornady bulk 55gr SP wich...
Liked On: 14-11-2020, 07:56 AM
You need to target a few more hinds to keep the current population in check. They are also generally the better tasting type than stags. Otherwise we will end up like how the current targeting of...
Liked On: 11-11-2020, 11:13 AM
I shot my first hind last night, it's my eighth deer and only my first hind. I have been careful on public land to leave the hinds to let the population grow but this hind presented it's self on...
Liked On: 11-11-2020, 11:12 AM
Didn't find the episodes great especially it being private land if I remember right. Doesn't represent real NZ hunting. I listen to his podcast and on a whole he's not exactly a big fan of the...
Liked On: 11-11-2020, 11:10 AM
Hello all. I’m just as interested in the shooting sport around the world as in my home town/country. I’ve not made many posts and decided it was time to change that. I have read your forum...
Liked On: 10-11-2020, 08:02 AM
When I purchased this rifle I had it in my head it had V block bedding system, and adjustable stock length system, previously had shown interest in a cheaper local rifle 223 Savage light Model 10...
Liked On: 10-11-2020, 12:47 AM
I'll get back to you. I know it can take a few days.
Liked On: 10-11-2020, 12:46 AM
A good quality reamer will cut 100 plus chambers subject to being correctly used. That is why the use of roughing reamers is required to reduce strain and wear on the finisher. Properly used, a...
Liked On: 10-11-2020, 12:44 AM
Not very confident in my shooting skills :pacman:
Liked On: 08-11-2020, 03:13 PM