There's an easier way, drive a decent size (a wee bit bigger than you final post) 6-8' post first, pull it out once you get it 4' in (in really hard going pull it out after 2-3' - reduces the strain...
Liked On: 11-07-2023, 04:13 PM
There's an easier way, drive a decent size (a wee bit bigger than you final post) 6-8' post first, pull it out once you get it 4' in (in really hard going pull it out after 2-3' - reduces the strain...
Liked On: 11-07-2023, 02:52 PM
228556 228558
Liked On: 10-07-2023, 02:25 PM
Totally legal if they have a FAL. The usual oponions presented as facts that happens on here all the time. Shame you're wrong locality TK, I'm always happy to kend a young guy a rifle to hunt with. ...
Liked On: 10-07-2023, 11:33 AM
Feel free to get in touch, I can suggest some spots if you need them. PM me once you have enough posts and we can chat.
Liked On: 10-07-2023, 10:23 AM
Totally legal if they have a FAL. The usual oponions presented as facts that happens on here all the time. Shame you're wrong locality TK, I'm always happy to kend a young guy a rifle to hunt with. ...
Liked On: 09-07-2023, 10:53 PM
228556 228558
Liked On: 09-07-2023, 10:53 PM
Feel free to get in touch, I can suggest some spots if you need them. PM me once you have enough posts and we can chat.
Liked On: 09-07-2023, 10:34 PM
228556 228558
Liked On: 09-07-2023, 10:26 PM
Ha, the 1935 Peruvian will fit . . . Well spotted
Liked On: 09-07-2023, 09:06 PM
Totally legal if they have a FAL. The usual oponions presented as facts that happens on here all the time. Shame you're wrong locality TK, I'm always happy to kend a young guy a rifle to hunt with. ...
Liked On: 09-07-2023, 06:42 PM
Totally legal if they have a FAL. The usual oponions presented as facts that happens on here all the time. Shame you're wrong locality TK, I'm always happy to kend a young guy a rifle to hunt with. ...
Liked On: 09-07-2023, 05:47 PM
Feel free to get in touch, I can suggest some spots if you need them. PM me once you have enough posts and we can chat.
Liked On: 09-07-2023, 04:47 PM
Totally legal if they have a FAL. The usual oponions presented as facts that happens on here all the time. Shame you're wrong locality TK, I'm always happy to kend a young guy a rifle to hunt with. ...
Liked On: 09-07-2023, 04:45 PM
Feel free to get in touch, I can suggest some spots if you need them. PM me once you have enough posts and we can chat.
Liked On: 09-07-2023, 04:38 PM