William is related to the German given name Wilhelm. Both ultimately descend from Proto-Germanic *Wiljahelmaz, with a direct cognate also in the Old Norse name Vilhjalmr and a West Germanic borrowing...
Liked On: 18-02-2025, 04:24 PM
"Bush pig" rolls off the tongue better than "scoped, suppressed carbine"
Liked On: 18-02-2025, 04:24 PM
Liked On: 18-02-2025, 11:38 AM
Bella did a neat thing yesterday. I fluffed a standing shot at 100 yards and hit a fallow spiker through the third rib. The sound and sight picture gave me a sinking feeling. It was in quite thick...
Liked On: 18-12-2024, 02:26 PM
Deaded. Still had to get there, bone it, carry it. It was good for me. I'm not going to be shamed. Sometimes I'm a hunter, sometimes I'm a shooter. Depends on context. This time a charity wanted 23kg...
Liked On: 16-12-2024, 02:54 PM
Liked On: 16-12-2024, 12:33 PM
Big feels for ya, our border collie started losing weight recently. And then he started having back leg problems, basically hip dysplasia. But it was weird, it was coming on way to fast. We ended up...
Liked On: 16-12-2024, 12:32 PM
My sympathies, this is "bo" : we had to have him put down mid feb, arthritis just got too much. 18 months old and neglected when we got him. he lasted till 16. still miss him259810
Liked On: 16-12-2024, 12:32 PM
Liked On: 16-12-2024, 11:56 AM
We are back to a 2 dog house. Another "proper" pointer. Meet Dita (with Auntie Izzy) :D The breeder still has a dog and a bitch puppy remaining. 264622
Liked On: 16-12-2024, 11:56 AM
Liked On: 16-12-2024, 11:56 AM
Old mate waiting for mum to milk the cows this afternoon 263886
Liked On: 16-12-2024, 11:56 AM
A lot of racing greyhounds haven't been socialized at all by some accounts Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
Liked On: 16-12-2024, 11:56 AM
Cool story. Thats some tracking.
Liked On: 16-12-2024, 11:35 AM
Don't forget food tester and dishwasher. They can make a fair pillow on occasion too. Great for conversation when you don't feel like talking.
Liked On: 16-12-2024, 11:34 AM