FC560CC https://powerboatmagazine.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/FC-560-1.jpg
Liked On: 24-10-2021, 11:48 AM
Spending money on your recreation is never a waste if you can afford it. Whether it be a $500 pair of boots or a$60k boat. If you have the coin do it. You are a short time on this earth.
Liked On: 24-10-2021, 11:47 AM
Remember you’ll get old, if your lucky, and die, take a risk, have some fun, buy a boat!
Liked On: 24-10-2021, 08:35 AM
I've spent most of my boating time in small stuff, dinghies, smartwave 3500, etc. Moved to one of these about 5 years ago 181692 Very useful 2 person boat for fishing the shallow and the...
Liked On: 20-10-2021, 05:39 PM
181603 181602 Got 2 hogs on a chicken neck, I reset the traps, and a couple of days later got another 2 hogs, on the same chicken neck I got 6 hogs. This trap had caught nothing in about 4 or 5...
Liked On: 20-10-2021, 08:08 AM
My new Stabicraft 1850 Pro Fisher running a 130hp Yamaha. Got the soft top for storage and to be easily managed by myself in high wind. Great boat for hunting trips and lakes with the front opening...
Liked On: 20-10-2021, 07:30 AM
My first boat Frewza F14 beach launch. Mint wee dingy, we took her all over the show, furthest we got out was about 30km offshore. Pretty wet and not massive but pulled plenty of fish aboard. ...
Liked On: 20-10-2021, 07:15 AM
Liked On: 20-10-2021, 07:13 AM
The 7.2m Bluewater was my pride and joy for past 10 years. Fantastic offshore capable boat, perfect for overnight or extended trips out wide. Back of Barrier or Mokes. But minimum 2 man launch &...
Liked On: 19-10-2021, 03:10 PM
My other boat. It was -20c on the sea that day. Had to come in because my boat was icing up.
Liked On: 19-10-2021, 10:09 AM
Stewart Island School Holiday! ( photo heavy) Spent the first week of the holidays in North big glory hunters hut with the family, although I did hunt a little with out success thought this might...
Liked On: 19-10-2021, 07:48 AM
[3.7m Whaly solid polyethylene pontoon with a 20hp 4 stroke, will do 42kph flat out. If you are into fishing then this is not for you, purely a spearfishing/dive boat as its a wet ride. The reason I...
Liked On: 19-10-2021, 07:47 AM
181564 For duck hunting. 13'6 Allicraft, 30hp 2s Yamaha, sleeps one, owned it since new in 1991, wore out 1 25hp Yamaha. Has camo side curtains with holders for mangrove branches. Here is a pic...
Liked On: 19-10-2021, 07:13 AM
Started in about 84 with the Seacraft Costa Mesa, fibreglass clinker look alike, 74 Johnson 75 hp, rope and pulley steering, cavitation plate 3” below the keel line or it wouldn’t steer, you would...
Liked On: 18-10-2021, 09:05 PM
Had a 6.6m Southern, Sold it last year as I just found it too difficult to manage on my own. If I am honest I don't really miss it banked the cash to use for a new smaller boat...
Liked On: 18-10-2021, 09:02 PM