About top gun

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About top gun
Retired professional firefighter (35+ years at it )
Moved from the smoke to Rottenrua in '78 & started a real life hunting & fishing & buying far too many guns!!!
Scaring Sika deer & frightening the shit out of cock pheasants!!!!
Owner of "Honest Dave's" Gun Emporium


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26-07-2016 03:08 PM
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  1. homebrew.357
    homebrew.357 liked post by top gun On thread : Rotorua wallaby hunting
    Good on Ya CD. I've lived in rottenrua for nearly 40 years & I'm still learning something new. I'll try a PM for the info as I get quite a few people asking where they can go to shoot these little...
    Liked On: 14-11-2017, 03:53 PM
  2. Paddy79
    Paddy79 liked post by top gun On thread : Rotorua wallaby hunting
    His name is Maurice Wilkie and he IS a good bloke. Of course he's ex wildlife service so he can actually think for himself & hasn't been totally brainwashed by the Dept of Constipation's propaganda...
    Liked On: 05-11-2017, 06:19 PM
  3. matagouri
    matagouri liked post by top gun On thread : I Dont see this helping
    I asked Crusher( via email) to tell me whether the practically brand new AK47's & hand guns found in a recent drug bust on the North Shore had their serial numbers in the fuzz computer records??? ...
    Liked On: 08-07-2016, 10:11 PM
  4. res
    res liked post by top gun On thread : I Dont see this helping
    I asked Crusher( via email) to tell me whether the practically brand new AK47's & hand guns found in a recent drug bust on the North Shore had their serial numbers in the fuzz computer records??? ...
    Liked On: 08-07-2016, 06:22 PM
  5. veitnamcam
    veitnamcam liked post by top gun On thread : I Dont see this helping
    I asked Crusher( via email) to tell me whether the practically brand new AK47's & hand guns found in a recent drug bust on the North Shore had their serial numbers in the fuzz computer records??? ...
    Liked On: 08-07-2016, 05:00 PM
  6. tiroatedson
    tiroatedson liked post by top gun On thread : DEER REPELLENT??????????????
    Well thanks a lot there chaps. I actually thought I might get at least one sensible response. Sorry to have exercised your wee brains. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( is that too...
    Liked On: 30-06-2016, 10:32 PM
  7. Keen_outdoorsman
    Keen_outdoorsman liked post by top gun On thread : Kaimanawas 1080 drop
    Yes Woody, you're spot on!!! It is interesting that at least three scientists that we know of, who were employed by the Dept of Corruption or associated Govt organisations, who tabled reports about...
    Liked On: 05-05-2016, 05:07 PM
  8. Dundee
    Dundee liked post by top gun On thread : Would you leave?? what would you do if this happens to you?
    Me too Dundee. I have it all planned out. 1. return to vehicles area with rifle unslung, 2. catch person(s) tu tu'ing with wagon, 3. safety catch "off" loudly if poss, 4. Issue verbal " cease &...
    Liked On: 27-04-2016, 07:28 PM
  9. Ranger 888
    Ranger 888 liked post by top gun On thread : Mail order firearm loophole??????????
    Shooter. I didn't really want to get this all started again BUT; Gun City did in fact run a check with their Arms Office on the licence details on the mail order form & it was kosher & up to...
    Liked On: 04-04-2016, 10:02 AM
  10. stretch
    stretch liked post by top gun On thread : Garmin60Cx map conversion?????? HELP please.
    Thanks Mickey & Stretch. I'll give those suggestions a go.( Yup, just did as you laid out stretch & it all locked into place. I hadn't quite delved into the inner workings quite far enough,...
    Liked On: 21-03-2016, 06:23 PM
  11. gsp follower
    gsp follower liked post by top gun On thread : TV3 & Guncity mistake
    Mark Weldon was the CEO of Media Works at the time & according the NZ Herald clip that I have he gave the go ahead for the team to proceed with their scam. When Nic Taylor finishes tearing the...
    Liked On: 21-03-2016, 05:40 PM
  12. mucko
    mucko liked post by top gun On thread : Mail order firearm loophole??????????
    Shooter. I didn't really want to get this all started again BUT; Gun City did in fact run a check with their Arms Office on the licence details on the mail order form & it was kosher & up to...
    Liked On: 17-03-2016, 08:59 PM
  13. Jexla
    Jexla liked post by top gun On thread : oh shit
    That's absolute bullshit!!!! I have been burgled 4 times over the years & I had a nearly 99% knowledge of who the little arseholes were. I reported the first one to the Police, 2 days later a...
    Liked On: 11-03-2016, 12:48 PM
  14. 300CALMAN
    300CALMAN liked post by top gun On thread : Ruger 10/22 or Remington 597?
    Ruger 10/22 no question about it. Easy to strip & clean, plenty of add-on accessories & still reasonably priced AND they'll be around for another 40 odd years as long as Hillary doesn't get into...
    Liked On: 10-03-2016, 10:30 PM
  15. Wirehunt
    Wirehunt liked post by top gun On thread : Dog back pack?????
    Yes Wire, I'm sure that it was a chinese hunk of crap that I got lumbered with. It REALLY did last only 10 minutes up the track into the bush before it came unstitched & fell to bits. ( AND a dozen...
    Liked On: 10-03-2016, 09:02 AM
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