I’ll donate 10 boxes (200 rounds) of Winchester white box fmj 308win towards the auction. Might fly down which could pose an issue but could always ship from Auckland.
Liked On: 23-04-2021, 10:11 PM
I’ll donate 10 boxes (200 rounds) of Winchester white box fmj 308win towards the auction. Might fly down which could pose an issue but could always ship from Auckland.
Liked On: 22-04-2021, 01:06 PM
Stuart at Greystone guns does great work. He’s very clear when you discuss options on the phone.
Liked On: 21-04-2021, 12:30 AM
I’ve been made to check an extra bag for the bolt. Just leave bolt in gun.
Liked On: 08-02-2021, 03:35 PM
Ammo absolutely can not be in carry on. I’ve been told by airline staff over the phone that you can but had it taken off me and checked at airport.
Liked On: 06-02-2021, 08:01 AM
Is good. Would buy again.
Liked On: 01-12-2020, 08:49 AM
https://www.grafs.com/catalog/category/categoryId/3995 BRASS if you can get it out of the states. RCBS makes the dies by special order but you’d be looking at $300USD+ 7mmwsm
Liked On: 10-11-2020, 04:42 PM
Or maybe we could have Maca49 charging at us with a .22 and his sausage maker. That’d put the shits up ya.
Liked On: 26-10-2020, 12:30 PM
Or maybe we could have Maca49 charging at us with a .22 and his sausage maker. That’d put the shits up ya.
Liked On: 26-10-2020, 08:51 AM
Yup an excellent idea. I致e certainly got a few ideas churning around. A bolt 416 rigby will be the best rifle for the stage.....
Liked On: 26-10-2020, 08:50 AM
Or maybe we could have Maca49 charging at us with a .22 and his sausage maker. That’d put the shits up ya.
Liked On: 26-10-2020, 07:37 AM
I知 in! Cash payment on day? Scored myself a very nice 416 Rigby. Thanks Friwi for the heads up when I swung by last week. I値l be coming down from Auckland so could do a carpool or something? Would...
Liked On: 31-07-2020, 07:33 PM
I知 in! Cash payment on day? Scored myself a very nice 416 Rigby. Thanks Friwi for the heads up when I swung by last week. I値l be coming down from Auckland so could do a carpool or something? Would...
Liked On: 31-07-2020, 09:45 AM
I知 in! Cash payment on day? Scored myself a very nice 416 Rigby. Thanks Friwi for the heads up when I swung by last week. I値l be coming down from Auckland so could do a carpool or something? Would...
Liked On: 31-07-2020, 09:41 AM
I知 in! Cash payment on day? Scored myself a very nice 416 Rigby. Thanks Friwi for the heads up when I swung by last week. I値l be coming down from Auckland so could do a carpool or something? Would...
Liked On: 31-07-2020, 09:05 AM