We noticed after a couple of hundred rounds that wax build up made the bolt stiffer to operate. A good barrel clean and it was perfect. Tight chamber and fine tolerance so fouling will be...
Liked On: 11-09-2024, 05:54 PM
Hi Brad, sorry I am now based in Australia and have only just seen the post. The CZ would have been lucky to have had more than 500 rounds through it. It has always had a tight chamber. Wax /...
Liked On: 10-09-2024, 07:07 AM
.22 isn't the answer, solid , hollow, super sonic , sub sonic they all ricochet , I shot a lot around horses, vine yard infrastructure , sheep, cows and dwellings . Only round I would ever use is...
Liked On: 12-07-2024, 11:38 PM
244147 From deep in the Chlamydia triangle lurk Waikato beer drinkers, you are what you eat and you sure as fuck are what you drink.:thumbsup:
Liked On: 31-05-2024, 08:44 PM
Anything will be better than nothing as they are nosey little little buggers.
Liked On: 04-05-2024, 10:11 AM
You are correct, 9 years of shooting central Otago rabbits with talleys into the tens of thousands has turned range estimates into second nature. Also shooting the same farms has given me landmarks...
Liked On: 11-04-2024, 05:38 PM
I run a 17HMR a lot. I am sighted in ( zero ) at 100mtrs . This range covers 80% or the shots I need to take from 40 - 130 mtrs with basically point and shoot . Over the 130mtr mark to 190mtrs plus...
Liked On: 11-04-2024, 05:37 PM
You are correct, 9 years of shooting central Otago rabbits with talleys into the tens of thousands has turned range estimates into second nature. Also shooting the same farms has given me landmarks...
Liked On: 05-04-2024, 04:24 PM
I run a 17HMR a lot. I am sighted in ( zero ) at 100mtrs . This range covers 80% or the shots I need to take from 40 - 130 mtrs with basically point and shoot . Over the 130mtr mark to 190mtrs plus...
Liked On: 05-04-2024, 04:23 PM
247304 Not perfect and will vary a little for temperature ( air density ) altitude and rifles but this will give you a pretty good starting point and all you need.
Liked On: 04-04-2024, 10:01 PM
You are correct, 9 years of shooting central Otago rabbits with talleys into the tens of thousands has turned range estimates into second nature. Also shooting the same farms has given me landmarks...
Liked On: 04-04-2024, 09:11 PM
I run a 17HMR a lot. I am sighted in ( zero ) at 100mtrs . This range covers 80% or the shots I need to take from 40 - 130 mtrs with basically point and shoot . Over the 130mtr mark to 190mtrs plus...
Liked On: 04-04-2024, 06:01 PM
247304 Not perfect and will vary a little for temperature ( air density ) altitude and rifles but this will give you a pretty good starting point and all you need.
Liked On: 04-04-2024, 04:13 PM
You are correct, 9 years of shooting central Otago rabbits with talleys into the tens of thousands has turned range estimates into second nature. Also shooting the same farms has given me landmarks...
Liked On: 04-04-2024, 02:49 PM
I run a 17HMR a lot. I am sighted in ( zero ) at 100mtrs . This range covers 80% or the shots I need to take from 40 - 130 mtrs with basically point and shoot . Over the 130mtr mark to 190mtrs plus...
Liked On: 04-04-2024, 02:49 PM