A bit of reading and lots of pics for those not able to get out and do stuff Opening parragraph It was suggested that I start a thread on some of the rifles I have worked on over the last few...
Liked On: 30-08-2021, 11:46 AM
A bit of reading and lots of pics for those not able to get out and do stuff Opening parragraph It was suggested that I start a thread on some of the rifles I have worked on over the last few...
Liked On: 30-08-2021, 11:17 AM
You have got nice staright center ridge and even grind lines so that deserves real credit in itself and your handle is excellent. The only thing I can see that I could critique at all is what apears...
Liked On: 25-08-2021, 10:01 PM
so many options for so many different aplications but I cant see how that could be incorporated in something similar to whata I have made that might have to be driven into or under something. A...
Liked On: 24-08-2021, 10:38 AM
I play in the shed in my retirement making things to keep me occupied and for the last couple of years knives seem to have been the main item of interest Full youtube video on the Emergency Services...
Liked On: 24-08-2021, 12:04 AM
A Resp o rator . best thing for those with a beard. Absolutely no fogging of glasses. Been using that one for a number of years now. Easy to use, easy to drop out and put back and not in the way if...
Liked On: 23-08-2021, 11:29 PM
A Resp o rator . best thing for those with a beard. Absolutely no fogging of glasses. Been using that one for a number of years now. Easy to use, easy to drop out and put back and not in the way if...
Liked On: 23-08-2021, 11:26 PM
I play in the shed in my retirement making things to keep me occupied and for the last couple of years knives seem to have been the main item of interest Full youtube video on the Emergency Services...
Liked On: 23-08-2021, 10:39 PM
I have got a local guy who will take one to the AOS for evaluation and another I will send to my agent in the US to his local SWAT team so will wait for what these guys say before changing anything. ...
Liked On: 23-08-2021, 10:28 PM
I play in the shed in my retirement making things to keep me occupied and for the last couple of years knives seem to have been the main item of interest Full youtube video on the Emergency Services...
Liked On: 23-08-2021, 10:18 PM
I play in the shed in my retirement making things to keep me occupied and for the last couple of years knives seem to have been the main item of interest Full youtube video on the Emergency Services...
Liked On: 23-08-2021, 09:41 PM
I have got a local guy who will take one to the AOS for evaluation and another I will send to my agent in the US to his local SWAT team so will wait for what these guys say before changing anything. ...
Liked On: 23-08-2021, 08:43 PM
This is NitroV stainless and the stainless foil prevents decarb during the 10 minutes at 1955F - 1066C that it is subject to in the hardening process. For the carbon steel the time at heat in the...
Liked On: 23-08-2021, 08:39 PM
I have got a local guy who will take one to the AOS for evaluation and another I will send to my agent in the US to his local SWAT team so will wait for what these guys say before changing anything. ...
Liked On: 23-08-2021, 08:23 PM
I play in the shed in my retirement making things to keep me occupied and for the last couple of years knives seem to have been the main item of interest Full youtube video on the Emergency Services...
Liked On: 23-08-2021, 08:06 PM