Contact your regional field advisor: If they don't know, they'll find out.
Liked On: 11-02-2025, 11:59 AM
Ok , so I have one, and it is still in its box as my intention was to mount it on an Howa mini. The plus: short compact and one of the lightest ffp for its Magnificat power available on the market,...
Liked On: 09-02-2025, 09:36 PM
In that case, I would use your preferred access and if challenged ask if they (I assume the land owners either side) would prefer you use the paper road???
Liked On: 09-02-2025, 09:34 PM
We’d originally planned to travel up to the road end early morning and head up to the tops. Past experience told me that unless we left home at 02:00 we wouldn’t be making it to the tops before...
Liked On: 09-02-2025, 07:49 PM
I needed a few kms under the belt to prepare for a wapiti trip and my son was working in forestry in Hawkes Bay with a few contacts. The 284 Tikka was itching for a run. We met on Friday evening...
Liked On: 09-02-2025, 07:48 PM
If you haven't already come across it, this chart is handy to have saved
Liked On: 08-02-2025, 04:02 PM
I have 1kg of 2225 if you are interested
Liked On: 08-02-2025, 03:26 PM
268464 268465
Liked On: 08-02-2025, 03:24 PM
I've generally found 2225 works out slightly cheaper, as it's sold metric (500gms, 1Kg, 5Kg) vs Retumbo in the US 1lb etc etc sizes. From what I've seen locally, when they are on the shelf side by...
Liked On: 08-02-2025, 12:13 PM
Yes, same powders made by ADI but could be batch to batch differences (like any powder)
Liked On: 08-02-2025, 12:13 PM
Definitely a lot of variables, so not necessarily he scope. Definitely puts into perspective the benefits of drop testing/reliability testing. It's not that far fetched to drop your rifle in the...
Liked On: 07-02-2025, 11:18 AM
I wouldn't put anything bigger than a 3-9x40 type scope on a superlight, the whole point of a superlight rifle is enjoying how it carries and outright weight is only part of that equation, when you...
Liked On: 06-02-2025, 07:57 PM
A big, fast, short, light, do it all 7mm is perfect for everything in NZ I will wait for the single shot version
Liked On: 06-02-2025, 07:51 PM
Got your order in then ?
Liked On: 06-02-2025, 07:51 PM
As I’m sure eventually happens to all deer hunters, I have found myself in the position of trying to put a new hunter onto his first deer. Once the weather lined up with the weekend, it was off...
Liked On: 06-02-2025, 04:27 PM