260949 260950 260951 260952 getting a bit long between picture posts,some axis porcinus to wet the appetite
Liked On: 12-10-2024, 05:25 PM
Soooo doesn't sound like the band aids and asprin were going to cut it:D 25 years ago I would have resisted pushing the button due to pride. Nowadays I would not have a single hesitation. 50...
Liked On: 11-10-2024, 11:21 AM
It seems you need to passivate (https://www.finishing.com/466/18.shtml) the stainless steel parts. Basically boiling the stainless steel part in a citric acid solution. It removes rust and it...
Liked On: 10-10-2024, 05:29 PM
I've shot possums 6+ times with a subsonic 22 and had them hang by the tail for ages before dropping If you miss and get it in the guts it's a distinctly different sound, the thwack sounds like...
Liked On: 10-10-2024, 04:59 PM
why was your signature a willy?
Liked On: 10-10-2024, 04:33 PM