I got ya nuts!!! 998869988699887
Liked On: 09-02-2019, 10:37 AM
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4848/45225088365_5c97fcb5ae_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2bUop9R)Wild Fox (https://flic.kr/p/2bUop9R) by Ben (https://www.flickr.com/photos/gravelben/), on Flickr
Liked On: 09-02-2019, 10:37 AM
https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190128/a4ee0deb36fe9bcf01f54f9e8bf3783f.jpg Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Liked On: 09-02-2019, 10:37 AM
Kapiti Sunset. Well I liked it. 104623 104624
Liked On: 09-02-2019, 10:36 AM
Finally you bloody Tasman fisher people chased a few around the corner 21.4LB 104651
Liked On: 08-02-2019, 01:06 PM
https://i.imgur.com/zgxuT6U.jpg https://i.imgur.com/J8lXLq6.jpg https://i.imgur.com/K1b5RgF.jpg I might haul it over "The Hill" to the coast this spring and chase dungeness crabs and salmon,...
Liked On: 03-02-2019, 06:25 AM
This mornings effort. First ever king. Stickbaiting workups from a kayak. 104118104119
Liked On: 02-02-2019, 01:00 PM
Will it outrun a large white shark set on putting her teeth into your inflatable, that's the only question really.
Liked On: 19-01-2019, 06:23 PM
Profab in kg Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
Liked On: 18-01-2019, 06:26 AM
It would be special order only, and unfortunately would not be possible to guarantee it would be here by July. Nothing currently available meets every requirement, but if you want a Sako, before...
Liked On: 16-01-2019, 06:59 PM
Hard work today, fishing over the low always is. Managed a midget. Still, havnt had a day without a catch for some time so thats a plus 102600
Liked On: 12-01-2019, 05:26 PM
Cant really help about the Aotuhia end havent been there in ages but a quad or trailbike will do the whole thing easily. There is a large slip at the Whangamomona end that is only trafficaable by...
Liked On: 11-01-2019, 08:53 PM
My neighbor went through there a few weeks back and said it was pretty rough. He has a can am side by side and had to use his winch at one part where there was a slip not sure what end. Sent from...
Liked On: 11-01-2019, 08:18 PM
Put my bro onto his first marlin yesterday. First trip out on his new boat after kitting it out. Hard work with two on board in trying conditions. Big ups to those who do it solo, bugger that. ...
Liked On: 06-01-2019, 08:21 PM
First time out in a while, nice fish came and smoked the lure, dropped him then he jumped straight back on ;) released to give someone else some fun :D 102100
Liked On: 04-01-2019, 06:10 PM