Managed to get out to the mouth of the Waimak to target kahawai with gadgette#3. Managed to hook one earlier this year, with stingray, but lost it a couple of metres from the boat. This time I...
Liked On: 30-12-2018, 07:53 PM
Spent a bit of time in the 1410 today. Had to take two crews out so that all the family members got a turn Couple...
Liked On: 26-12-2018, 07:51 PM
The rifle is a forum slut but anyone lucky enough to have a hoon with it ends up loving it. Loves everything that you put down the barrel. Long action mag and bolt stop makes it a dream to load for...
Liked On: 23-12-2018, 02:45 PM
I picked this up from superdiver and what an awesome shooter so did a ladder test with 143ELDX and RL16 as well as Hodgdon superproformance powder with the Hodgdon being the winner in both speed and...
Liked On: 22-12-2018, 04:46 PM
Better one this morning 101323
Liked On: 22-12-2018, 07:45 AM
Lip piercing services :D she was a big girl 101260
Liked On: 21-12-2018, 03:55 PM
5 rigged up, new rod and reel arrives tomorrow, fishing on Friday all day. Shaping up to be a good end of week. 101194 101195
Liked On: 20-12-2018, 07:14 AM
yea I have the 4000d as well on a two peice soft bait rod and it also is one of my most struggles a bit with bigger snapper but ok over sand if all the other lines are wound up.
Liked On: 18-12-2018, 07:56 PM
Out to the trench yesterday Filled up with bluenose, puka and trumps ...
Liked On: 17-12-2018, 07:18 AM
Great couple of days away with my Dad and uncle in golden bay and the west coast. West coast cod fishing was rather disappointing after how much it had been talked up to me over the years however we...
Liked On: 16-12-2018, 04:51 PM
Another smaller one landed this morning. Again pulled the hooks on a good one, oh well keeps ya going back
Liked On: 16-12-2018, 10:34 AM
My one from yesterday, let it go after it tuned me up with the treble hook :D 100890 Dudes first this morning, engulfed the lure. Small but legal so he took it for a feed. I lost one at my feet...
Liked On: 15-12-2018, 12:41 PM
Pretty happy wee fella. First fish ever [emoji106] Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
Liked On: 15-12-2018, 11:47 AM
Jarlou ... 100579
Liked On: 12-12-2018, 09:10 PM
Home form epic weekend of weather fit for fisherman ! Look like you guys have had a hell run also! Down Okiwi sat afternoon after a xmas work do Friday night! Sun and more sun with bugger all breeze...
Liked On: 09-12-2018, 05:50 PM