Catch a live small carp, has to be from the same river, find a slow current, hook a balloon on its back and attached a hook. Big brown trout like them, once hit, you have to wait, the carp has to go...
Liked On: 10-01-2022, 09:49 PM
Thank you all for the kind words and welcomes. This will be a multi year deal but we are focused and have money saved to make the change if we decide to do so. I'd rather not talk politics but I'd...
Liked On: 10-01-2022, 07:22 AM
Welcome to the forum and NZ in due course. You may suffer a little culture shock when you arrive, not least because deer are officially classified as pests and there is a very inconsistent approach...
Liked On: 10-01-2022, 07:19 AM
Welcome, if you want to work with Salmon then possibly Marlborough sounds is the place for you with lots of salmon farms. Another place could be Cawthron institute in Nelson.
Liked On: 10-01-2022, 07:19 AM
I figured that I would give y'all a heads up. I'm planning on moving to New Zealand with my family. We are currently living in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. In short we want more for...
Liked On: 10-01-2022, 07:18 AM
Spent a great evening in the Canterbury foothills Friday Got shown how to use the Graf boy's "packing out" technique by Moa Hunter Bastard has stamina to burn !! Hauled arse non stop up an...
Liked On: 09-01-2022, 02:17 PM
If you have fired close to 1k rounds, the lands would likely have burned away quite bit as well. So apart from what you are checking with your brass, also have a look at how much the jump to the...
Liked On: 08-01-2022, 04:54 PM
+1 Shot a couple of young Sika last week, just on dark. Gutted and threw in the corner of a creek with stones in their guts. Picked them up mid next day in the blistering heat, in perfect nick....
Liked On: 08-01-2022, 03:48 PM
I remember as a kid out with siblings spearing flounder in aotea harbour,we had blue rectangle drum of about 100ltrs (photo somewhere of me asleep in it LOL) it had one side cut out so would float...
Liked On: 08-01-2022, 03:46 PM
Walk after dinner tonight hoping the wind would drop, it didn't so headed into the rushes and baby mangroves and spotted these two unlucky flounder in the murky ankle deep water. First time...
Liked On: 08-01-2022, 03:44 PM
Liked On: 08-01-2022, 02:05 PM
Owen, Anealling brass is meant to serve a couple purposes *reduce work hardening of brass (think bending a paperclip back and forth until it breaks) annealing if done effectively "resets" the...
Liked On: 08-01-2022, 01:33 PM
Be sure to store your ammo somewhere cool to whilst hunting and at range time on a bench in the sun will be a bad time
Liked On: 08-01-2022, 07:27 AM
He ran a tight crew when he and his brother were logging. I never worked for him but knew a few that did. Unusually for the times, his guys would get Christmas gifts.
Liked On: 07-01-2022, 07:56 PM
Was having a stooge around the northern ruahines this week and found this little gem. It had a carton of milk left there that was dated 2018. Any body been there...
Liked On: 07-01-2022, 11:43 AM