A stag that nearly turned the tables. As mentioned, my blue heeler Kim was adept at bring deer down to me in creeks. In this instance my mate Ross and me and Kim were hunting up a beautiful...
Liked On: 20-05-2024, 10:45 PM
Wild buggers. I wrnt in that pub once only in around 1967. It was rough. There was a hooker stripped naked standing on one of the tables pissed to the gills touting for business ! Tokoroa...
Liked On: 20-05-2024, 10:37 PM
Ha ha . Yep; typical. I tgink I got Hautapu wrong, may be hangaroa, was ba k of waipa station. Me and Ron Twyman shot a lot of goats ba k of his dads station just shy of ruakituri bush. We used...
Liked On: 20-05-2024, 10:35 PM
This old faded pic is of Kim with the two blue boars mentioned above. Was lucky to get this because my camera took a dunking a couple of weeks later and this wad one of the few negatives that...
Liked On: 20-05-2024, 10:31 PM
Many of us had a dog along and in the 60-70 decade mine was a ue heeler bitch named Kim. She was bred by Garth Coghill (also NZFS staff). Gafth used to pig hunt Kaingaro out lg a tiny old baby austin...
Liked On: 20-05-2024, 10:31 PM
Kiorenui hut springs to mind. Cobber Kingi and his big alsation dog was the reknowned pig hunter around bar 8 in those days. Was at a burn off down there one time. Lew Skudder and Lester Bell and co...
Liked On: 20-05-2024, 10:21 PM
AF,s rh man for dpf Kaingaroa was Gordon Eastbury in the 60's and I dont know what teally happrnbed but he got himself drowned ijn the whirinaki. A search locsted his body but I was never able figure...
Liked On: 20-05-2024, 10:20 PM
As a NZFS trainee in cni in the '60s I shot off a pushbike initially ,after work and weekends. Venison eatned 12p a pound and pigs 10p but with wages at 3quid a week, less camp and cookhouse fees it...
Liked On: 20-05-2024, 10:17 PM
That reminded me of some hunts on Lochiver where I had some mates. The station had several isolated patches of bush clad gully heads. One would go up top with a dog and a couple of us stationed at...
Liked On: 20-05-2024, 10:13 PM
A stag that nearly turned the tables. As mentioned, my blue heeler Kim was adept at bring deer down to me in creeks. In this instance my mate Ross and me and Kim were hunting up a beautiful...
Liked On: 20-05-2024, 09:36 PM
This old faded pic is of Kim with the two blue boars mentioned above. Was lucky to get this because my camera took a dunking a couple of weeks later and this wad one of the few negatives that...
Liked On: 20-05-2024, 09:26 PM
Many of us had a dog along and in the 60-70 decade mine was a ue heeler bitch named Kim. She was bred by Garth Coghill (also NZFS staff). Gafth used to pig hunt Kaingaro out lg a tiny old baby austin...
Liked On: 20-05-2024, 09:25 PM
As a NZFS trainee in cni in the '60s I shot off a pushbike initially ,after work and weekends. Venison eatned 12p a pound and pigs 10p but with wages at 3quid a week, less camp and cookhouse fees it...
Liked On: 20-05-2024, 08:55 PM
This old faded pic is of Kim with the two blue boars mentioned above. Was lucky to get this because my camera took a dunking a couple of weeks later and this wad one of the few negatives that...
Liked On: 20-05-2024, 08:29 PM
Many of us had a dog along and in the 60-70 decade mine was a ue heeler bitch named Kim. She was bred by Garth Coghill (also NZFS staff). Gafth used to pig hunt Kaingaro out lg a tiny old baby austin...
Liked On: 20-05-2024, 07:57 PM