About Woody

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About Woody
male, outdoorsman
hunting, fishing, environmernt, shooting, reloading, testing bureacrats
Forest Ranger, retired


Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.

Matsuo Basho.


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  1. Woody
    Woody liked post by Seventenths On thread : Effectiveness of security cameras
    Paeroa deerstalkers club rooms were broken into 5-6 years back, no guns or ammo kept on site but the offender was apprehended due to CCTV
    Liked On: 02-02-2023, 09:39 PM
  2. Woody
    Woody liked post by Martin358 On thread : Effectiveness of security cameras
    i installed a 9 camera system from jaycar and since then we havent had any visitors.. It used to be a regular occurence
    Liked On: 02-02-2023, 09:38 PM
  3. Woody
    Woody liked post by kotuku On thread : Effectiveness of security cameras
    we had a serious fire next door at11 40pm,destroyed neighbours state unit. fire service fire investigators viewed our footage today to track the timeline and it was a+one is due back tommorow...
    Liked On: 02-02-2023, 09:37 PM
  4. Woody
    Woody liked post by Boner On thread : Effectiveness of security cameras
    I’ve got a couple of Ring cameras on my section. Alert me if they pick up people and save video to the cloud( a.k.a. Someone else’s computer). Rate it as I can check alerts remotely. Only piss...
    Liked On: 02-02-2023, 09:37 PM
  5. Woody
    Woody liked post by 10-Ring On thread : Thought I might post my response to NZ Fuzz consultation of licence costs.
    It's definitely not entirely to blame but was an impediment. What I was getting at re. lockdown non vetting is that the applications couldn't be processed. The bulk of a firearms licence application...
    Liked On: 31-01-2023, 01:11 PM
  6. Woody
    Woody liked post by kotuku On thread : National creates a Hunting and Fishing portfolio
    Ease off eh youre beginning to come across as a bit of a knowall and honestly sound like youre vaccinated with a gramophone needle.
    Liked On: 29-01-2023, 11:35 AM
  7. Woody
    Woody liked post by No.3 On thread : National creates a Hunting and Fishing portfolio
    No comment about locally grey manufactured or unlawfully manufactured or converted and also no comment about using replica/fake firearms to intimidate... Stats are bs again.
    Liked On: 29-01-2023, 08:30 AM
  8. Woody
    Woody liked post by Bobba On thread : National creates a Hunting and Fishing portfolio
    At work we average a container a week so yes a shit load come in everyday. Very very rarely one gets held up in customs for inspection. When I moved back from overseas I just put all my stuff in...
    Liked On: 29-01-2023, 08:29 AM
  9. Woody
    Woody liked post by grandpamac On thread : F Class Finally
    Greetings, I have had a fixed bench here at home for about 20 years but didn't appreciate just how useful a portable bench would be until I finally put one together with components supplied by...
    Liked On: 28-01-2023, 05:25 PM
  10. Woody
    Woody liked post by tac a1 On thread : Thought I might post my response to NZ Fuzz consultation of licence costs.
    Well said Boner. I have also put in a word with the fuzz about this rubbish. Whilst not quite as wordy as yours, it implies the same end result, that a small increase is justified, but the huge...
    Liked On: 25-01-2023, 03:10 PM
  11. Woody
    Woody liked post by Boner On thread : Thought I might post my response to NZ Fuzz consultation of licence costs.
    Hope this doesn’t cross the boundaries of the forums political commissars. Not trying to influence anyone, just sharing in case it helps anyone else to have their say. Q1 - Should the firearms...
    Liked On: 25-01-2023, 03:08 PM
  12. Woody
    Woody liked post by BSA On thread : TV1 Breakfast Show
    I see social media is firing up over the Breakfast Show hosts this morning shooting up a Donald Trump doll with a Bug-A-Salt, it's not going down to well especially after they have just spent a week...
    Liked On: 25-01-2023, 10:53 AM
  13. Woody
    Woody liked post by Micky Duck On thread : Clements Road Recce
    the longline in your pocket/pack is good insurance....Meg hated it going back on and behaved because she knew it would go on if she doesnt...also if she being pigheaded about going to far,I make her...
    Liked On: 20-01-2023, 07:04 AM
  14. Woody
    Woody liked post by Tahr On thread : Clements Road Recce
    Cool. Having Bea trail a long lead of thin rope that you can stand on or grab might help with the ranging issue. Have a command that goes with the tug like "steady". I used "steady" and clicked my...
    Liked On: 20-01-2023, 07:04 AM
  15. Woody
    Woody liked post by Chur Bay On thread : Clements Road Recce
    I had a few days spare so I decided to have a look up Clements Road. Ive been hunting this area for a while now, Normally I walk in about an hour. camp and hunt from there. I know there area fairly...
    Liked On: 20-01-2023, 07:02 AM







  • 11:52 AM - ebf mentioned Woody in post Hidden








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